How could I have been so Blind?

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Your POV
I looked around and saw a strange man. He looked about 18. He was handsome too. "Oh there she is!" He exclaimed looking at me. Rin came up to me and said, "Y/n. That guy over there said that he needed you." I tilt my head. "For what reason?" I ask. He smirked and said, "I would like for you to help me out. In exchange I will give you anything you want. We will leave tomorrow." I looked away and said, "I'm not in need of anything." He then smirked, "Well all the better. I just need you. Really need you!" Sesshomaru came in and said, "You will not take her anywhere." I blushed and shook it off quickly.

He then smirked and said, "Oh are you her boyfriend?" I turned to him and said, "We aren't in such relation with each other. He already has a woman." Kagura smiled and hooked herself onto Sesshomaru's arm. I was saddened and I lifted my head up to look at the random guy and asked, "What is your name?" He replied, "Liaos." I then said, "Well Liaos, I accept." He smirked and said, "Perfect! We'll leave in the morning. For now we need to make a bond. He then chanted some words and all of a sudden he turned into some type of... Demon. He chuckled darkly and said, "Yes... Y/n. You will make a fine wife." I looked at him in horror, "WHAT?!" I shouted. He released a gas and it made everyone fall asleep. It went black afterwards.

Sesshomaru POV
(2 hours later)
I woke up and I looked around to find Y/n but she was gone, along with Liaos. I knew that I felt something off about him. How could I have been so blind?! I growled in frustration. I couldn't find her scent either. Where is she?! I stood up and left. Running and flying everywhere to at least get a catch of her scent. I needed to find her. I can't let her marry off to someone. If she were to get married it would be to me! What... Did I just say. Could it be that I love her so much that I am willing to do anything in my power to keep her in my arms or at least in my presence?

I soon catch a smell of Cherry blossoms and blood. That was her scent! I followed her scent.

Your POV
My eyes felt heavy and I was surrounded by flowers. Why flowers? I woke up to see that I'm in a wedding kimono. "Ah my bride. You are finally awake." I heard a familiar voice. "Liaos." I said.

He chuckled and said, "Yes sweetie. I'm happy that you will be mine. Mine only. But before our marriage I want to mark you. And do some other things to you that will be fun. So I will take off your wedding kimono. Don't want it soaked now do we?" My eyes widen. I knew exactly what he was gonna do to me.

I tried to move but I felt paralyzed. I wanted to awaken my inner demon but these flowers are somehow blocking me from doing so. He chuckled again before slowly sliding the wedding kimono off of me. I felt violated already. Just the feeling of someone staring at my body was just uncomfortable.

(Kind've a lemon start)

He started to stroke my legs and thighs and then upward to my stomach and stopped at my breasts. He slowly massaged it. He knew I wanted to make some type of noise but I wanted Sesshomaru to do this to me so it isn't as enjoyable.


I closed my eyes hoping that Sesshomaru would come in time. I didn't want to be violated. I don't want THIS guy to do this to me. "S-Sesshomaru... Help." I choked out. Liaos then looked at me and slapped me saying, "HOW DARE YOU THINK OF ANOTHER MAN WHILE WE ARE TOGETHER!" I slowly gathered some of my strength to kick him off of me.

The flowers started to disintegrate and my power started to increase. I threw on my kimono and unscathed Shi and Ha. I used them both and slashed at Liaos's flesh. He then fell and he stood back up slowly. Sesshomaru came in just as I was combining Shi and Ha. "Naginata Shinha! Assemble!" I shouted as I combined Shi and Ha.

An immense amount of power from the demonic aura of Shinha and from me was so powerdul that rocks levitated. I held Shinha and opened my now blood red eyes and charged towards Liaos. I twirled Shinha above me and shouted, "DEATH WAVE!!" A gigantic sphere of black energy was launched at Liaos. When the smoke cleared, Liaos was on the ground motionless.

His pupils were gone and his iris was gone as well. I returned to my normal self as Shinha went back to being Shi and Ha. I sheathed Shi and Ha and turned to Sesshomaru. "Let's go." He said bluntly. I flew into the air beside him as my heart beat fast again. I clutched my heart as Sesshomaru noticed this. "What's wrong?" He asked. I shake my head, "Nothing." He then pulls me to the ground with him and asked in a stern tone, "What's wrong?"

I stared at him and said, "He...I...I can't." I tried to turn around but Sesshomaru held onto my wrist and said, "Tell me." I looked down. I don't want to tell him. What do I say. 'Oh Sesshomaru He tried to rape me and then I thought about my love for you and that's how I got my powers back!' Or, 'Sesshomaru my love for you helped me defeat Liaos! I love you Sesshomaru!' I didn't know what to do. I just took a deep breath and said it.

"Sesshomaru. The only reason I was able to break free was because of my love for you."

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