one: rare

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Awsten was broken. Broken in every sense of the word. He had been destroyed in this way ever since the day Geoff died. The day his entire world was flipped on its head. The day his heart was ripped out, thrown on the floor, and shattered. In mere seconds, the only thing that was important to him was gone. Geoff. Geoff was the only thing in this world Awsten cared about.

It was two in the morning when Awsten got the call. It woke him up, the vibrant tone blaring from his phone. He almost didn't answer, but he checked the caller ID for Geoff's name just in case. But when it was the Houston Medical Center's number on the screen, Awsten's stomach dropped. He knew it wasn't good.

"H-Hello?" His small voice shook as he answered the phone. Pitch black surrounded him on all sides. The sun wouldn't be up for a few more hours, and as soon as it rose Waterparks would pack into their bus and drive across state lines to Little Rock, Arkansas. This was their last night in Houston before continuing on the tour.

"Mr. Knight?" The man had a deep voice. It intimidated Awsten, and he flinched back a bit in his bed. "We have your fiancé here."

Awsten was grabbing his car keys and out of bed in seconds. Him and Geoff shared that bed. "I'm coming. Tell him I'm coming right now."

The roads of Houston were slick and empty at this time of night. The buildings on either side of Awsten as he sped past were dark; the only thing illuminating his path being headlights and street lamps. Aws had to be doing at least 90 to rush through suburban roads in order to get to the center of town, to his Geoff. He hadn't bothered on the phone to ask what had happened or how bad he was. That wouldn't have been good. It would have only further impaired Awsten's already haste and distracted driving.

Bright lights from Downtown Houston greeted him minutes after he had left the apartment he shared at Geoff. The vibrant haired boy never noticed his lover wasn't beside him until the phone rang. He and Otto were at a party to celebrate tour restarting tomorrow, but Awsten hadn't been feeling well, and headed home early. He regretted that with every ounce of his body. Maybe, just maybe, if he would have stayed at the party what happened to Geoff would have never occurred. Maybe he could have protected Geoff, sheltered him and kept him safe like he always promised to do.

Awsten nearly crashed his car parking it, and the door was open before the engine had even shut off. He went running toward the hospital, desperate for Geoff, and desperate for answers. The poor boy was hyperventilating by the time he reached the security desk, hastily shoving his keys into his sweatpants pocket and wiping the tears from his eyes. They wouldn't stop falling, and Awsten wanted to curse at them. "G-Geoff Wigington....p-please."

"Relation?" The security woman asked, grabbing a visitor tag.

"F-fiancé. I got a p-phone call." Awsten forced the words out through his own choked sobs. He was shaken up and didn't even know why his love was in the hospital yet. Something was telling him it wouldn't end well for Geoff, a suspicion that would prove correct moments later.

"Room 4." Security said as she passed Awsten a tag, which he stuck promptly on his Good Charlotte shirt. It was two-sizes too big; Geoff's. He wore Geoff's clothes to bed every night for comfort. It especially helped when they were on tour. The fans didn't know about "Gawsten" being real, so it was hard for the pairing to be together. But, nonetheless, every night Geoff had a shirt ready for him to sleep in, without hesitation. Awsten wrapped his arms around himself and breathed in the scent of Geoff. He did this on tour plenty times. He'd snuggle into his bunk, alone, and hug the shirt so tight his nostrils filled with the undeniable scent of his lover.

The doors to the back of the emergency room opened, and Awsten rushed between the wall and the metal door before it even had a chance to fully open. He desperately searched all sides for room 4....and his heart shattered some more when he saw it was a trauma room. Geoff was bad. There was a slim chance he'd make it out of here. Awsten knew that. He took some deep breaths and tired to prepare himself for the worst.

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