eleven: naked bruises

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prompt: skinny dipping

"Awsten I am not going skinny dipping with you!" I scoffed, arms crossed adamantly across my chest. The boy in front of me shed another article of clothing, and I shook my head. Awsten stepped toward me, putting his hand on my chest. The other grabbed the hem of my shirt.

"Come on, Geoff." Awsten spoke seductively, pulling on my shirt and biting his lip. "It's night, and I know you live for excitement."

"Awsten, this isn't a good idea." I pressed as he stood on his tiptoes, beginning to suck on my neck.

"I know that. But we both know...." Awsten paused his speech to bite the skin of my neck, insuring a mark for later. "You won't be able to resist me swimming naked, Geoff." I rolled my eyes, slightly pushing Aws backward. The spot on my neck where he had just left a hickey burned slightly, but I didn't care.

"I hate you," I mumbled as I pulled my white t-shirt off, discarding it on the floor. Awsten squealed with glee, clapping his hands together as I pulled off my skinny jeans. We both continued to shed articles of clothing. After only being naked a few seconds, Awsten grabbed my hand and ran me to the edge of the deck, shoving me into the pool below.

"You dick!" I hollered, pushing the wet hair out of my eyes. "It's fucking cold!" My boyfriend shrugged, plugged his nose, and jumped in the water with me. My hands instantly found his hips, and as soon as he surfaced, Awsten's teeth chattered. "I told you!" I teased, a smile donning my features. Aws rolled his eyes fondly and splashed me.

There wasn't a cloud in sight tonight. The stars and the moon over Galveston touched my gorgeous boyfriend's features so perfectly. His eyes shone in the light; his jawline was illuminated in the glow. I smiled, squeezing his tips a bit tighter as I studied all the lovely things about him.

"You're staring, assface." Awsten smirked, his voice bleeding sarcasm. I leaned down to kiss his forehead, before I was throwing Awsten across the pool. He screamed, even though seconds later he hit the water with a splash. "I fucking hate you!" Aws yelled, swimming fast toward me. His hands grabbed my hips and he pulled me close before I could get away.

My neck stung once more as Awsten marked the skin there another shade of deep purple. The waters were calm until I jumped out, blood trickling down my skin. "Awsten," I whined, holding my hand against the injury, collecting blood in the process.

"We should go skinny dipping more often." He smirked.

"No....we should not."

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