fourteen: not nice

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"Awsten?" Geoff asked as he popped his head into the guidance office. "What are you doing here?" The older of the two boys grabbed a chair and swung it around, facing the boy in front of him. Awsten was slightly shaking, clenching his fingers together in a desperate attempt to seize the act. His head was hung. He looked ashamed of himself. The figure Geoff loved so much hid behind a long sleeve baby pink sweater, the sleeves of which Awsten had pulled down over his own hands. The sweater was accompanied by Awsten's signature black skinny jeans and maroon Doc Martens. Geoff thought Awsten looked beautiful, but he could never tell the boy that. They were just friends. They never had been and they never would be anything more.

"People are not nice, Geoff." Awsten finally spoke; voice breaking and shaking with every word. "People are not nice, Geoff." He repeated, this time letting a single tear roll down his face. Geoff quickly jumped to wipe the boy's cheeks. "Where's Mr. Jarvis?"

"I don't know." Geoff sighed, running his hand through the boy's purple hair. The color was as bubbly as Awsten's personality. Well...his typical one at least. "I'm here though. I'm right here, Aws." The brunette boy's heart hammered against his ribcage. He knew his presence wasn't good enough as their school's negligent psychologist...but hey, it was better than Awsten sitting alone crying.  "Why don't you tell me what happened, Awsten? I'm here to listen." With every word Geoff wanted to cringe. Awsten leaned up to shut the door before sliding himself onto Geoff's lap. His head laid on his best friend's shoulder, tickling Geoff's neck. Both boys wrapped their arm around each other.

And that's when it started.

Geoff was fuming. It happened again. His little Awsten was shoved and bullied in the lunchroom by people much taller than Awsten. They could easily overpower him, hence why the small boy didn't fight back. Echoing off the counselor's office, the only sound was Awsten's soft sobs and Geoff's coos and shushes. It pained Geoff to see his best friend like this. Broken in his arms. Nothing but a sobbing, terrified mess. 

"Can I see where it hurts, darling?" Gee, as Aws sometimes liked to refer to him, asked, gingerly placing his hand on the hem of his sweater. Awsten took a deep breath and nodded. When the sweater was lifted, Awsten instantly tried squirming free from Geoff's grip. "No, no; baby. It's okay. I'm just gonna look. I'm not gonna touch anything." Geoff reassured in the most comforting voice he could muster. His hand gently racked through Awsten's hair as he guided the purple head of hair softly back to its resting spot against his chest.

Already formed across Awsten's lower stomach was a thick, black and purple bruise. It was probably the size of Geoff's fist, and it instantly made him boil with anger. "Awsten, who did this?"

"Tyler," was the meek reply that came. Awsten had his eyes closed, resting calmly. Geoff knew about Tyler. He had messed with Awsten before. Geoff thought him picking Tyler up by the collar, slamming him against some lockers and screaming at him was enough....but apparently not. 

"What did Tyler say to you, honey?" Gee lightly ran his fingers along the bruise, causing Awsten to squirm and groan in pain against Geoff. "Sorry, sorry."

"He said mean things, Geoffy. I was fat and ugly and stupid and a crybaby."

The last word was the one that made Geoff angry more than anything else. It pained Awsten to be called a crybaby, and it pained Geoff, too. Aws wasn't any of the things people said he was. He was perfect. Beautiful and kind-hearted in every sense. 

"None of those things are true, Awssie. None of them. I promise." Geoff's fingers lightly ran up Awsten's ribs under his sweater. "It's okay, baby. You are okay."

As Awsten drifted off to sleep in Geoff's arms, Gee couldn't help but his heart to swell. You could say he had a crush on the little boy, as much as he hated that word. He wanted to be with the boy. Wanted to protect him. If people knew he was dating Awsten, nobody would mess with the boy again. Because nobody fucked with a Wigington. Of course, that wasn't the only reason he wanted to date Awsten. He wanted to constantly be able to kiss him, to feel the curve of his hips under his calloused hands. He wanted to be able to spoil Aws with trips to Victoria's Secret, Hot Topic, anywhere his heart desired. Geoff wanted to show the boy off. He wanted to take him on ice cream dates and kiss him in the rain. Geoff wanted to make out with him in a movie theater to a sex scene. All the typical teenage dating shit....Geoff only saw himself doing it with the boy sleeping soundly in his arms.

Without thinking, Geoff placed his lips to Awsten's forehead. He lingered there, eyes closes, relishing in the feeling of Aws' soft skin...and how he one day wished he could do this all the time....until the door swung open. 

"Oh....uh....hi, Mr. Jarvis."

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