ten: 1,555

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One thousand, five hundred, fifty-five. That's how many miles separated Geoff and I. He lived in Los Angeles, and I was in Houston. Every day he seemed to get farther and farther away. All day long we talked, but it wasn't the same as having him here. That was all I wanted, really. For Geoff to be here, or for me to be there, or for us to be anywhere together.

Today, after waiting three and a half years, I was flying across the country to meet my boyfriend. I'd never been on a plane, but there I sat, in the middle of the absolutely massive Houston airport. It was still early. My phone read 11:45 a.m. as I anxiously fidgeted about. In around five minutes, I'd take off. My flight was just over three hours long, and then I'd be in Geoff's arms.

A man with a deep, booming voice called my flight to board. I stood, picking at the ends of my boarding pass as I tried to remember to breathe. This was a moment three years in the making. I was overwhelmed. And....anxious to be flying, but I knew it was worth it.

I had my boarding pass scanned and quickly found a seat in the middle of the plane. I bounced my knees and fidgeted with my hands as the biggest grin spread across my face. In just three short hours, I'd be with the love of my life for the first time. My phone buzzed in my hand, and my smile increased when his name flashed up on my screen.

Gee 💘: Baby!!! Today's the day!!!


Gee 💘: Hey, breathe. Everything's gonna be okay. This is everything we've ever wanted.

I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes for a moment. Memories rushed through my head; of all the great things Geoff and I had experienced. Every moment with him was better than the last. He knew just how to keep me happy, and that's all he had ever done. With Geoff in my life, everything was okay. And now....I was about to be within his arms. I'd get to feel his lips for the first time. He probably thought I was joking; but I was such a mix of excitement, anxiety, and nervousness I literally felt ready to puke.

Aws 💙: Oh my God.

The plane started to move beneath me. Taxiing, they called it. We were getting ready to take off. I pushed my phone into my pocket, clenched my fists, and felt tears hit my cheeks. Everything I had ever wanted was about to happen.

Soon enough, we were in the air. My eyes flew open as my stomach leaped. It was happening. I was in the sky, the same sky Geoff was looking up at, on my way to see him. As soon as I got the clear, I whipped out my phone, grinning mad as I text Gee.


I felt my heart doing leaps in my chest. The waiting period would be nearly unbearable, but knowing I had more than three years worth of hugs, kisses, and cuddles waiting for me in California made it worth it.

Gee 💘: Alright, sweetie, breathe. I know how exciting this is. I cannot wait to see you finally 💗

The plane bounced and shook as it hit patches of rain and turbulence. I clenched my fists and tried to breathe without crying. I hated this, but it was the easiest way to get to Geoff, so I pushed on. Plus, I was already on the plane, there wasn't much backing out.

Aws 💙: Planes are scary.

A bright flight attendant with a shining smile took my drink order as she went from aisle to aisle. Hot chocolate is what I ordered. It calmed me down in my most frazzled moments, and this was definitely one of them.

Gee 💘: I know they are, angel, I know. But you just gotta stay strong for a little longer and then I'll smother you in all the love and affection you deserve.

I finished my hot chocolate, sent a final text to Geoff, and then reclined my seat, falling into a peaceful sleep. My dreams were filled with blue eyes, brown hair, and a stunning smile. Geoff. My dreams were filled with Geoff.

I'm startled awake by screeching tires and a large bounce through the plane. My heart is racing. My brain thinks we're crashing. But, no; we've only just landed in Los Angeles.

I scramble for my phone, tears filling my eyes as my hands shakily unlock the screen. People file out in quick masses, but I patiently wait my turn.

Aws 💙: Geoff. Geoff. Geoff. GEOFF. G E O F F

Gee 💘: Yes, Awssie, I saw that you landed. I'm waiting. I'm right here. I'll see you so soon.

I jump out of my seat, throwing my backpack on and rushing out of the plane. The airport is muggy and humid, but I don't care. I go running toward baggage claim, tears starting to form and my heart starting to race.

Before I can process anything, I'm throwing myself into Geoff's arms, screaming and sobbing into him as he holds me tight. "Fuck!" I scream as he lifts me up, my legs locking around his waist. My chest feels warm. I cannot stop sobbing. My body feels tingly. I can't begin to describe how happy I am.

Geoff grabs my chin, looking me in the eyes before pressing his lips against mine. I kiss back instantly, grabbing his neck to pull him in. I groan, tightening my legs. This kiss is amazing; I can't wait to get so many more. Geoff pulls back, but I grab his face and pull him back to me. Our lips connect once more.

"Fuck," Geoff mutters. "I love you so much."

I take a deep breath. "I fucking love you, Geoff."

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