three: gone

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prompt: "I don't care where I sleep as long as it's with you."

"Awsten I....I need to talk to you." I spoke, my voice trembling with every letter. I sighed deeply, silently begging he wouldn't leave me after this. Awsten came bounding into the kitchen. He was wearing a pastel blue sweater, no pants, and light pink thigh-high socks. A flower crown was woven into his pink hair, and he slid slightly on the kitchen floors.

"Yes?" Aws beamed up at me, completely unaware of what I was supposed to say. I put my hands on his hips and lifted him up onto the counter. My boyfriend squealed as his bum hit the cold surface. He flung his arms around my neck and kicked his legs back and forth off the counter.

"Aws, buddy; you love me, right?" I spoke cautiously. Awsten was young and innocent; even naive at times. What I was ready to say would destroy his mind.

"Mhm!" He squealed, leaning forward on the counter to kiss my cheek. "Very much, Gee!"

I planted my hands on Awsten's hips once more, keeping him still. His eyes were filled with admiration and such, such innocence. "Awsten....something very bad happened to me today." A pout crossed Aws' features and he reached up to cup my cheek.

" alright?" I took a deep breath, leaning my forehead against his own soft one.

"Awsten, I got fired today. We can't stay at this apartment any longer." I felt my heart break a little as I said the words.

"O-Oh...." Awsten slid up the counter, hopping off and standing between me and the solid surface. "Oh, Gee. Gee, it's okay." His hands landed on my skin, cupping my cheeks softly as his thumbs lapped at my skin. "We'll make this work. We're okay."

"Starting tonight we need to be living out of the car, Awsten. We aren't okay." Awsten stood on his tiptoes to kiss me gently, yet lovingly.

"I don't care where I sleep." Awsten scoffed, rolling his eyes as he flattened his feet on the ground. "As long as it's with you." Tears filled my eyes as I leaned down to kiss my star boy.

"Go collect your things, Aws. I'll get mine."

I stepped aside and Awsten ran off again. "I'm wearin' a sweater!!" Awsten screamed, giggling as he ran up the stairs. I smiled. If Awsten was happy, this wouldn't be too bad. When Awsten's happy, I can't help but smile.

In a few hours, we're all packed. Everything Awsten and I know is shoved into duffle bags, suitcases, and a few cardboard boxes in our trunk. I'm laying down across the backseats now, Awsten between my legs. I'm running my fingers through his soft, colored hair, every so often planting kisses to the top of his head. Aws squealed every time my lips touched him, squirming around slightly. He was so happy, no matter the situation. He was so fucking in love with me, he didn't mind that we were living out of the back of my car for God knows who long. As long as Awsten was with me, he didn't mind.

I had set up a cot next to us in the backseat. It was even with the backseats, so my wiggly little baby wouldn't fall in the middle of the night. He could simply roll over to the cot, and back again as he pleased.

"This isn't too bad." Aws giggled, turning around to face me, laying his head on my thighs, which at the time were covered by black track pants. "At least I have you!"

I smiled, kissing Awsten's nose and petting down his hair. "You're an angel, baby." I smiled at him. A blush tinted Aws' cheeks, and a smile covered his face.

A few hours later, Awsten was asleep, his head against my thighs as I laid on my back and ran my fingers through his hair, listening to his little moans and content noises as he rested. I leaned down to kiss the top of his head as the hour neared two a.m. I'd look for a job in the morning. I knew Awsten blamed himself for not being able to work, but his anxiety and depression controlled practically every aspect of his life. It harbored his ability to function properly, and every job he had he ended up fucking up due to them. It wasn't his fault. He couldn't help it.

I'd make things okay for Awsten and I again. He deserved the very best, and I'd fight hard to give it to him. I'd get us an apartment again, maybe even a house. We wouldn't be living out of my Fusion in a Walmart parking lot. We'd find a way to he happy again.

With one last kiss to my love's skin, I drifted off to sleep, focusing on the way Awsten's small breaths hit my thigh with every exhale.

We'd be okay, even if we forced ourselves. Even if it took an eternity, we'd be okay again. I smiled as I fell off into a dream world. A world filled with Awsten and color. The world I hoped we'd live in once again. 

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