Chapter 2 - Memories From The Past

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A/N: Hey guys! Just to let you know that I talk about some medical stuff in here that I dont necessarily know all about. I've done a little research so it makes some kind of sense, but I'm sorry if I got some stuff wrong. Anyways, enjoy chapter 2!! Don't forget to comment :P

Patton's P.O.V.

I cried myself to sleep last night. This morning, I woke up, my face in the wet pillowcase. I could feel that my eyes were puffy and red. I don't want to get up. My bed is the only place I want to be now, but I don't want to worry the others so I have to at least take a quick shower.

It took me 25 minutes to get out of bed. Usually, I'm an early bird and I wake up before everyone else to make them a healthy breakfast, like Logan always says I should do, but I don't feel like cooking today. I'm sure they can manage a day with takeout or Roman's culinary skills.

I get the dressing gown that Roman gave to me for Christmas last year. It has little blue dogs and pink cats all over it. Logan always thought I looked ridiculous in it, but I still like it. I also get a towel and my doggy-slippers. I walk out of my room, still half asleep, and bump into Logan. He greets me with an awkward smile and I nod back before locking myself in the bathroom. I don't know if I'll be able to handle seeing him every day like this. It'll only make things worst.

I hop in the shower and let the water run down my body. The warmth is reminding me of Logan for some reason. I imagine him being next to me, holding me tight and kissing my forehead. I missed this. I miss the feeling of being safe in somebody else's arms. In Logan's arms. I can still feel his arms around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder so I couldn't escape. I want it back. I want that feeling back, I want HIM back... but I can't. I stay for a good half hour under the running water before deciding it was time to get out. I turn off the tap and reach for my towel. I step outside the shower and suddenly, I feel my foot slipping off the floor who was covered in water. Than black...

***Back to present time***

I open my eyes again. Everything is blurry. I only see white walls surrounding me. I see the sudden shadow of a young lady over my head.

"Hey, there, sir. My name is Melody. You are at Florida's Public Hospital. How are you feeling?"

I was so confused. Why was I in a hospital? What is she talking about? I don't remember anything.

"I- I don't know. Where am I?" I ask.

"You are at the hospital sir."

She stops and writes a few things on her board.

"Sir, can you tell me your name?"

"Yeah! My name is... It's... Wait. I- I don't know. What is my name?"

"Do you remember what happened sir?" she asks.

"No. What is happening? Tell me!"

I start to panic. My breath is getting heavier. What is going on?!

"Okay, calm down sir, I'll go get the doctor and he will explain everything alright?"


10 minutes passed since the nurse left my room. I'm getting impatient. I try to stand, but my back hurts too much. Then finally, a man in a white jacket comes in my room and closes the door behind him. 

"Hello there Mr. Sanders. My name is Doctor Williams. I'm the one who's been taking care of you for the past few days."

A few days! How long exactly have I been here?!

"I'm sorry about Melody. She's new here and she's in training at the moment. She told me you didn't know your name?"

"Uhm, I-I guess? But hold on a minute. You're telling me I've been here for more than a day?"

"Yes. You slipped in your bathroom about 4 days ago and hit your head pretty hard. You got a severe concussion."

"A what?"

"A concussion. It's a type of traumatic brain injury that is caused by a blow to the head. In your case, a fall. This causes your brain to shake inside your skull and can cause loss of memory, dizziness, headache and a lot more."


"You seem to have forgotten a few things from the past except your ability to speak and think."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you don't remember your name or your friend's name. You don't remember our talk yesterday. You only seem to be able to remember whatever happens in a short period of time. It should get better soon. You just need to train your mind."


"First, you will need to stay with us for at least another week before we can let you go home. We're gonna examine you to see if you get better day after day. Don't worry your friends can come to visit you anytime."

My friends?

"They are currently waiting for you in the lobby. Do you want to see them?"

Friends? What friends?

"Mr. Sanders?"

Who are my friends? Since when do I have friends?


"Oh, sorry, what?"

"Would you like to see your friends?"

"Uhm, okay?"

"Alright, if anything happens, there is an emergency button right beside your bed okay?"


"I'll be right back." the doctor says before leaving my room.

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