Chapter 3 - Reintroduction

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Patton's P.O.V

Dr. Williams just left to get my 'friends'. I don't remember anything about these people. How did we meet? How long did we know each other for? What are they like? What if they say they're my friends but, they're serial killers? No, nobody would dare do that... A few minutes later, I see four shadows in the window behind the white curtain. I take a deep breath before the door opens slowly. A young man with glasses just like mine steps at first. His eyes are red and so is his nose. He was wearing a black shirt with a blue tie. He smiles shyly by seeing me. Then, a man in what seems like a royal outfit follows. He looks at me with a big smile of relief. I see a plastic sword by his side. He seems real... over the top. And finally, another man, his head between his shoulders with his hood over his head walks in. He doesn't even dare look at me in the eyes. I only see a small smirk appearing for half a second. Doctor Williams is the last one to come inside my room. He closes the door, just like he did earlier. 

"Mr. Sanders, these are the friends I was talking about. Do not worry, they are good people."he turns away and looks at the three strangers in the corner.

"I will let you introduce yourselves to him. Don't expect much from him ok?" the doctor says to them. They all nod.

"Thank you Doctor." the guy with the glasses exclaims. The professional then nods and exits the room. 

The prince is the first one to approach me. He passes his hand in his hair nervously before speaking.

"Hey, Pat. Uhm... I'm uh, Roman. You can call me Prince or Princey if you like." he says.

"Pat? Is- is that my name?" I ask curiously. They look at me in surprised. Roman clears his throat.

"Well, it's Patton actually." he adds.

"Patton... I like it!" 

They smile shyly. The man with the blue tie comes closer. He sits beside my bed.

"Hey... I'm- I'm..." A tear fell down his cheek. "I'm Logan..." He started to cry. Prince went beside him and puts a hand on his shoulder. Logan wiped away his tears and smirked a little. "You can call me Lo..." he adds still choked up.

"So, I'm Patton. You're Roman. And you are Logan. Right?" 

They both nod.

"And you are?" I ask to the guy in the black and purple hoodie.

"My name is Virgil... You can call me Virge."

"So, Roman, Logan, Patton and Virgil? That's odd. It should end in 'on' or 'an'? Like Virgan?"

They all giggle simultaneously. I can see that they haven't smiled in a while. 

"It's good to have you back buddy." Virgil says.

They all seemed really nice, but to me, they are still strangers. I don't know these people. At least not from what I remember. 

"Patton. We have to go." Logan starts. "We have to go see Thomas to see how he's doing. We're going to come back everyday ok?"

"Who's Thomas?" I ask unfamiliar with the name. Their face suddenly changed. A sad and worried look covered them.

"He's our, uh... Our friend. Another friend of yours. He couldn't make it." Roman stated before anyone else could say something.

"Oh, alright."

"See you later." Roman says before leaving the room with the others.

Logan' P.O.V

We leave the hospital and head home for the first time in 36 hours. Thomas was waiting for us in his apartment. I can't believe Patton doesn't remember us... He was always so, present for each of us and now... It's like if he was completely gone! I miss him. I know I saw him a few minutes ago, but this was not the Patton I knew. Not the Patton I fell in love with... He seemed so distant. Doctor Williams said he will come back to normal someday. He just needs someone to teach him everything he needs to know. He even asked if I would do it since I'm a professor... I told him I would think about it. I don't know if I could stand seeing him so innocent everyday. This world is not as pretty as it seems and I fear it will break him if he knows about it all in just a few weeks. I also don't want to awake the breakup we had again... I don't want him to feel this way ever again. It's my fault if he is there at the moment and I'll make sure none of this ever happens again.

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