Chapter 10 - Old Feelings

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Roman's P.O.V

I step out of the car and lock the doors. I'm finally home from my day of work. As usual, I call for anyone in the house.

"Heyyy! I'm back!" I close the door and put my bag on the counter while I put my coat in the closet. Nobody has answered yet.

"Anybody home?" I scream again. Still no one. I go upstairs and search Patton's room first. The room is a bit messy, but nobody seems to be in here. I then go to Logan's room who's door is closed. I knock.

"Hey Lo? You in here?" I open the door to find Logan and Patton sitting on the floor, both asleep. The light from the open door woke up Patton. He slowly takes consciousness again and rubs his eyes.


"Hey bud. Slept well?" I ask curious about how the situation ended up this way.

"Oh yeah... Uhm, what time is it?" he asks still sleepy.

"It's 4:30 p.m. I got to be home early today."

"Already? We slept for a few hours!" He looks at Logan like he was a precious gem that he was afraid to break if he moved in the slightest. He puts his hand on his shoulder and shakes him lightly.

"Hey Logan. Wake up. We've been sleeping for 2 hours." He whispers. Logan moves a little bit only to hug Patton even tighter, like he was a pillow.

"He's a heavy sleeper. You might have to scream at him." I inform him. He nods and looks back at Logan.

"HEY LOGAN! WAKE UP!" Patton screams. I jump.  I didn't think he would actually scream! Logan sits up straight still half asleep.

"Wha- what? What's wrong?" He asks, confused.

"We've been resting for two hours Lo."

"Oh... Really? Better get up, then if we want to sleep tonight."

We all make our way downstairs into the kitchen. Logan takes out his recipe book and searches for a meal to prepare for dinner. Patton and I sit at the table and discuss our day. I tell him about the latest gossip at work. He then tells me what he learned today... He explains everything to me. The albums, the past between him and Logan and the nap they ended up taking. So, I guess Lo finally decided to tell him. I'm proud of him. He did a good thing. That explains his puffy eyes and full nose.

"Hey, can I tell you a secret...?" Patton whispers to me.

"Yeah, of course! What is it?" He looks at Logan to see if he heard anything and gets closer to me.

"When Logan was retelling our past, something 'clicked' in my mind. I- I think I'm still in love with him... At first I thought it was admiration for his knowledge and generosity to help me, but I realized that I might be wrong... Those are old feelings coming back to me. I don't know what I should do. Should I admit everything or try to forget them so I don't break his heart again? I need your opinion on this. You're the love expert here." I giggle at the title he gave me.

"I wouldn't consider myself an 'expert', but I'll help you make things right, okay? Just not now. It's still too soon." He nods in agreement and offers to watch Sponge Bob with him until dinner is ready. I sit next to him and enjoy the weird adventures of the yellow sponge.

One hour later, Virgil arrived back from work. He looked exhausted and not in a very good mood. He puts everything on the table and throws himself on the couch whining.

"Bad day?" I asked Virgil. He groans once more and blows his bangs away from his face multiple times. I stand and move it for him. I kiss his forehead and went to the kitchen with Logan.

"Hey, need help with anything?"

"Uh, no. I- I'm fine. Cooking helps me, calm down. You can go back to the others if you want." Logan says clearly stressed out about everything.

"Logan, you are not fine. You're about to put some paper foil in the microwave." He looks down at his plate and realizes his mistake.

"Ah shit..." He drops the plate on the counter to get something to transfer the chicken into. "I'm sorry, I just need some time alone, alright?"

"Why don't you go upstairs, relax and take some time for yourself for a bit. I'll finish dinner. I will call you when it's ready." I say calmly.

"Yeah... Okay." He takes off his apron and gives it to me before making his way to his room without even saying anything.

"Hey, where are you going?" Patton asks to Logan.

"Uhm, nowhere. Just going to clean up my room..."

Logan skips a few steps while making his way up. I hear the door close. I'm worried he will not be able to stand this tension much longer. Patton and him, in the same house, alone for another week will not be as nice as it was the first few days.

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