Chapter 15 - The Offer

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Patton P.O.V.

I wake up and I'm in Logan's bed. I look behind me, but I'm alone. He must be awake already. He did sleep all evening yesterday. I rethink everything that happened, and to be honest, I don't know if I would call yesterday a bad day. Sure, there were some unfortunate events, but overall? I was happy.

I sit on the side of the bed and stretch. My back is tense. Carrying Logan must've caused the pain I feel this morning. I reach for my glasses and push them up my nose. I stand up and I can barely stay up straight.

I go to my room and get changed. I slept in the clothes I wore yesterday, so it's only appropriate. I then go downstairs to see everyone, but there is only Virgil and Roman in the living room.

"Good morning, Pat! How are you?" Roman asks from the couch. Virgil is laying on him, his face buried in Roman's chest.

"I'm better. Where is Lo?" I ask curiously.

"He went to the office. He said his superior wanted to talk to him." Roman answers as he took a sip of his hot chocolate drowned with whipped cream. "Do you want a hot cocoa?"

"Sure." I reply.

"Okay, Virgil, baby, you're going to have to move, darling." As a reply, Virgil groans loudly and doesn't bother moving a muscle.

"C'mon, you lazy dark angel."

Still no movement from Virgil.

"It's alright Roman, I can do it myself." I laugh.

"See what you did Virgil! Now I can't show Patton the world's greatest hot chocolate!"

"Cause it's only reserved for me." Virgil says hugging Roman's waist. I laugh and head to the kitchen as they continue their small argument. 

I take out the chocolate powder needed to make myself the warm drink. The kettle was already full of hot water and I pour some into my favorite cup. As I sprayed the whipped cream on top, I hear the door to the apartment open. It's Logan!

We all greet him with a warm 'Hey!' except Virgil. He just lifts his arm and makes a peace sign. I put my drink on the counter and go up to him to give him a huge embrace. He was shocked at first, but rapidly returned the gesture. 

"Hey, Pat." he whispers in my ear. I get a slight chill down my spine. His breath against my neck is... comforting.

"Ahem! No hello for us?" Roman asks sarcastically. 

"Yes. Hey guys." Logan answers, slightly annoyed.

I let Logan take off his coat and I return to my hot chocolate. 

"You want a hot cocoa, Lo? I'm making one for myself."

"No, I'm alright. Thank you." He makes his way to the living room and sits with Roman and Virgil.

"So, what was so urgent this morning that you had to go to the office this early?" Roman asks.

"I believe he wanted me to go early so I didn't encounter Sam on my way there, but he simply wanted to make sure I was okay, and..." We could barely hear the last word, and he just stayed silent.

"And..?" I ask, joining them.

"He gave me an offer."

"What do you mean?" Virgil says, lifting his head. His bangs were hiding his eyes.

"Patton. He offered you a job."

"Woah! Really?! That's amazing!" Roman shouts.

"I- I don't know... See, with Sam... " Logan says, clearly worried.

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