Chapter 11 - Solution

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Logan P.O.V

I lay down on my bed to try to take a breath and think clearly. I have so many thoughts going through my head, I can't even keep track. I close my eyes to try and concentrate. I rethink the situation over and over again until I fall asleep, again.

I'm walking. Walking down a dark path. There is nothing to see, nothing to fear. I cannot see as far as my arm can touch. I cannot feel any sort of breeze or warmth in my face.

I'm walking. The path gets slowly brighter. A white glow is coming towards me. At the end of the road, someone is waiting for me. Someone special. Someone who will be able to save me from this nightmare. From this distant reality, my life has become.

Why did he leave me? Why did he have to forget his feelings? We could've made it better! We could've talked and fix our issues like any normal couple. We could've healed our broken relationship and be together again, but no. The world was mad at us. Mad at me. Mad that I ignored his needs, his feelings, his emotions. I deserve this. I deserve to be punished. I deserve to be put aside and I deserve to suffer while I relive his past with him.

The light gets brighter and brighter. I see Patton on the other side, waiting for me with arms wide open. Ready for me to go and hug him pleading for his forgiveness, but I can't. I have created too much trouble. Whenever I listened to my heart, I turn away. Suddenly, I hear him scream from far away. 'I still love you...'

I wake up dripping in sweat. These nightmares keep getting worst and worst. I haven't been able to sleep for the past few weeks. All this stress that has been brought upon me, knowing about Patton's feelings. It doesn't help. I thought if I told him the truth, it would've removed the weight from my shoulders, but I guess I was wrong. I have to find another way to get my energy back.

I stand from my bed and make my way downstairs to meet the others for dinner. Patton is now laying on his back, his head upside down while watching TV. Virgil hasn't moved much since I went to take my nap. I look towards the kitchen and see Roman still looking out for the food that was being cooked.

"Oh, hey! You're awake. Did you sleep well?" he asks mixing whatever there was in the bowl.

"Uhm, not bad. I had a nightmare, but it's okay. I'll manage." I reply. He looks at me concerned.

"You have those quite often, don't you?"

"Well... yeah. But it's okay. I'll go buy some sleeping pills later see if that helps." We stay silent for a few seconds. He seemed to have figured out the recipe and he did quite well! It looks appetizing.

"Wanna talk about your dream?" Roman asks suddenly.

"What? No! I- I'm fine. I told you. I'll get something later to help."

"It may help you sleep, but it won't clear your mind from whatever is bothering you, Logan. Feelings can be difficult to deal with, I know, but talking about them can help you."

I stay silent. I know he's right. Hell, I'm the one who gave him this advice when he and Virgil had a big fight. I just don't like the idea of bothering others with my own problems! They have their own to deal with, I don't want to add to the pile. I leave Roman to his cooking and go wait at the table for it to be ready.

A few minutes later, Roman calls everybody else to the table to eat. He puts the meal at the center of the table and brings everyone a glass of water.

"Bonne appétit!" Roman says with a huge accent. Even though 'Bonne appétit' is French, he uses his hand to make that Italien sign everyone does these days.

"What does 'Bonne appétit' mean?" Patton asks.

"'Bonne appétit' is French for 'Have a good meal'," I explain. "I do not understand why he did that with his hands though. This sign is from the Italians. It is not the same as French."

"I was into it, okay?" Roman answers defensively. We all let out a small laugh. His big ego can be useful to lift the mood at times. We proceed to eat our plates. Surprisingly, it was very tasteful! I don't think I've seen Roman cook before and so, it was a pleasant surprise.

After dinner, we were all sitting on the couch arguing for which movie to watch. We spent more time trying to figure out what to watch than the actual movie itself. We ended our dispute on Roman's choice which was Mulan. He used his puppy eyes again. He knows that neither Virgil nor Patton can say no when he does so. I'm not a big fan of cartoons, but it sure helped my overthinking problem. I was able to just sit back, and enjoy a kid's movie without worrying too much. At around 10 p.m., we started the second movie. It was Virgil's choice, and so, we watched Nightmare Before Christmas. What we do is we watch movie until some of us either fall asleep or go to bed before they fall asleep on the couch. There was only Patton and me left. Roman went to bed after the first movie because of his day at work. It exhausted him. As for Virgil, he fell asleep on the ground rolled up in his blanket. Patton was half asleep. He was still watching, but his eyes were closing from time to time. Our nap is the reason we were both still awake. I had a second nap, which didn't help either.

After the movie ended, I was the only one awake. Patton had fallen into a deep sleep and Virgil was still snoring on the floor. I closed all the light and the television. Only the moonlight was shining in the room, allowing me to see decently. With difficulty, I picked up Roman from the floor and took him to his room. It wasn't an easy job cause he's an adult, but I didn't want to leave him there! He deserved a good night of sleep in a comfortable bed. Plus, the house hasn't been cleaned in a while. We were all busy and overwhelmed the last week, so we didn't take the time. I went back downstairs to pick up Patton. He, too, needs a comfortable sleep. As I picked him up from the couch, he wrapped his arms around my neck and layed his head on my shoulder, like a child. I brought him to his bed and covered him with his sheets. I turn around and start to close the door slowly.

"Thank you, Logan..." Patton whispered through his blankets. I smiled and went to bed myself.

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