Chapter one: An Unpleasant Situation

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BEEP BEEP BEEP -Clank "uhhhgggg"

This is how I start most of my mornings. Half asleep, and unmotivated to wake up in today's world. I groggily sat up in bed and looked over to the alarm on my bed side table . It read 5:30 AM. I wasn't pleased with how early I wake myself up, but I like to use my time in an efficient and persistent manner. I am often mistaken for an android, mostly for my formalities.

I dangle my feet off my bed, turning on the lamp beside it. I looked around my room. Although my apartment was small, it was very bare. I didn't have any large furniture in my home. I tried my best to be a minimalist, because although having many items may seem fulfilling, for me I found that to be quite the contrary. I just liked the feeling of openness although my apartment somewhat constricts that.
My bedroom consisted of a small studio wardrobe, a twin size bed and my bed side table. the living room was attached to a kitchenette , the bathroom was also very small and winged off of the bedroom.

Although I don't like to express my emotions out loud, I do admit from time to time that I felt lonely at times. although im 25, Ive never had a serious relationship. At first I thought that it might have been that i had high standards for men or just people in general , but then i started to have doubts. I thought that maybe I just wasn't attractive. That maybe I was too formal or too uptight

I shook off my irrelevant thoughts. I don't need to be in a relationship, Im making a living by myself I should just count my blessings. Standing up and slightly stretching my stiff mussels.

I wobbled over to my bathroom and turned on the light. The bags under my eyes, although they were quite large I didn't bother wearing make up. I wasn't trying to please anyone with appearances, I gave that up a long time ago. People always found a way to ruin things like makeup for me. Calling me 'fake', and also Doing makeup just takes too much time.
My long dirty brunette hair was still in its messy bun form. I took it out with ease and began to brush out any knots. I have on many occasions wanted to cut my hair, as to make it easier to maneuver during work. But decided against it, just because I liked it long.

I french braided my hair and continued to get ready for work.

I wore a simply white button up shirt with a ash gray sweater over it, a pair of skinny blue jeans, and a pair of black keds. I looked at my appearance once more before slipping on my trench coat and leaving the apartment.

As I stepped outside, the cold air hit my face first. A slight shiver crept up my spine, although I had about three layers on I was still a little chilly. My small figure was pushed by the heavy breeze.

(time skip at the station)

Getting out of the taxi and making my way to the entrance of the station. I swiped my card and walked over to my desk. I sighed and looked at the monitor. There were a few emails from Gavin and some from Fowler. Most of which was just paper work.
I always dreaded doing paperwork, it was my least favorite part of my job .
(Time skip)

after doing a bit of paper work a decided that maybe I should eat something, after realizing that I didn't eat at all this morning.
I made my way over to the break room and proceeded to look at the snacks that were provided.
There where donuts, but I didn't care much for sweets.
After looking around I found that a nice cup of coffee might be the best choice, low in calories but I definitely will get a caffeine burst.
After making a cup I started to make my way out of the break room but I was stopped.

"Oh hey look its the machine" Gavin walked over to me with his arms crossed.

"Hello Gavin." I said in a monotone voice, I hate this asshole but im not giving him a reaction that will just egg him on to do more. I refuse to give him the satisfaction of my disapproval.

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