Chapter Two: High in Carbohydrates

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Hank ordered me the same thing he got for himself, which was a Cheeseburger with a fruity soda. I pulled a stool over to the table while waiting for Hank to bring the food over. Connor was with Hank, and they made a small conversation, or rather Connor asked a question ,and Hank gave a passive aggressive response. But I spaced out and ignored their bickering.

I held my head in my hands. I was coming down from an adrenaline high after almost killing my self chasing a deviant, my head held a heart beat although it was a steady pace it felt absolutely horrible. The dull ping of my heart beat just reminds me of how human I actually am, and It was definitely taking a toll on me, and on top of that I felt responsible for Connor not being able to accomplish his mission.

As I was drowning myself in my own thoughts, I didn't hear the pair of footsteps approach me.

"you look rough Miller." Hank said sipping his drink setting the meal in front of me. and started eating his own. I ignored Hanks comment and kept holding my head.

"Are you ok Ms. Miller?" Connor leaned over a bit towards me, trying to make eye contact, but I didn't return the gaze. If he was a real person he would probably hate me.  Most people do, why should androids be different.

"just fuckin' dandy." I said, I didn't feel the need to be professional at the moment. the pain in my head stopped me from being myself.

"woah, never thought Id ever see the day where Detective Miller cusses out an android." Hank seemed amused by my behavior. I opened the burger up and thought for a moment. This cant be good for me.

The burger was drenched in oil, but it had fresh lettuce and tomato, which is rare now days.

"what? Do ya' not like burgers?" Hank noticed me eyeballing the delectable sandwich in front of me.

"no, Im just trying to recall what ive eaten today." I answered  half truthfully. I think Ive only had that cup of coffee at my desk, black without sugar.

"I suggest you eat Ms. Miller, You've only consumed  4 calories worth of black coffee at the station, If you eat this you will have consumed the rest of your needed calorie intake, although it is rather high in carbohydrates. But considering you dont eat fast food often this should be ok for you to eat." Connor has been watching me very closely, this made me feel a bit uneasy but also protected. And although those are two conflicting emotions  they seemed to mix well. It almost seemed that this roman sculpture cared for my health.

I started to calm down and maintain my emotions, I started to return to my usual self. Monotone and unneedlessly professional.

"Thank you Connor, I apologize for getting in the way of your mission. I wasn't thinking properly if i wasn't in the way we could have the deviants in custody." Connor seemed taken back by my comment, I wonder if he was programmed to know how to respond to an apology.

"why are you apologizing to him, It's not like you can hurt his feelings." Hank said chuckling at my comment.

"I just feel guilty, I know that Connor has the software to deal with capturing deviants and I got in the way, Its MY fault that they got away. Connor saved my ass instead of capturing the deviant." I was so angry with myself. I stood up from the chair and started to walk away, I just couldnt deal with all of this right now.

"If your going to leave at least take the food with you!" Hank said chasing me down with the food he got me in his hands.

I slowly turned and took the food, giving Hank a quick thank you. As I started to walk away again Connor approached Hank.

"I just got a case, we should go have a look." Connor said tapping Hanks shoulder.

"Miller do you wanna go, or do you wanna go rest?" Hank seemed concerned about me, I guess he hasn't seen me like this before, emotional and hungry. Now that I think about it, I dont think anyone at the station has seen me like this.

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