Chapter Three: Race?

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Connor gave directions to hank and we made it to some crappy apartments fairly close by. we made our way up to the steps, the cement from the curb and steps were crumbling under my shoes. Its funny how Detroit is one of the most technolgical advanced cities, yet we have these dead zones everywhere. the zones do give character to the city, Its 'human'

As I was stuck in my thoughts I bumped into Connor, "sorry" I semi-yelled.

Connor just looked back at me, "It's alright." then he smiled. An android smiled at my apology, he doesn't make sense to me. His coding is a work of art, he is a step to the advancement of human technology and he smiles. I don't know why but when I see any android smile most of the time it sort of creeps me out. Because they look so empty, but with Connor, it feels as if he was actually smiling. His face lit up and lips curled, it felt genuine.
I did take some time to look at some of Connor's features, but none of them included smiling, maybe it was the feature that adapts to human unpredictability.
Hank just shook his head disapprovingly, But said nothing about this apology.

"are you always this sorry all the time?" Hank inquired. I thought back on previous cases I had with Gavin as my partner. Although he didn't allow me to do much during a case, anytime I did do something it was wrong, he'd give me shit about how I do investigation work all the time. And also when I lived at home. . .

"I suppose I am?" My response didn't sound very convincing, mostly because I was questioning myself as well. Hank just shook his head again, and then entered the complex. Connor was silent the whole time we went up the elevator.

By the time I and Hank got out Connor looked as if he was looking off into space, did I break him, was the first thought that came to my mind. I shouldn't have given him complicated answers. I don't have enough money to afford an android, let alone a prototype.

"Hey, you coming, or are you just gonna stay in the elevator?" Hank asked Connor. Connor then looked like he came out of a daze.

"yes, I'm coming" He seemed normal now.

"Are you functioning properly Connor?" I asked him as we made our way to the apartment.

"yes, I was just sending a report to cyberlife," Connor said matter of factually.

"I wish I could do that," Hank said sincerely.

"I second that," I said also sincerely, just the thought of being able to send a report in a matter of seconds would be a blessing.

"so why'd we come here, Connor?" Hank asked as he turned around

"A neighbor said that he heard a strange noise, and a deviant hiding a LED under a cap," Connor replied

"If we had to investigate every time someone heard a weird noise, we'd need more cops," Hank said, getting a bit frustrated.

Once we were at the door I looked around at my surroundings, this place was filthy. Garbage and grim everywhere, I'm surprised they are still letting people live in a place like this legally.

Connor knocked on the door. There was no noise, I and Hank stood silently. Connor looked over then back at the door, knocking again only this time a lot harder. "OPEN UP DETROIT POLICE!" After that, we heard a loud thud come from inside the apartment.

Hank handed me a gun before taking out another one.

"Miller to my side, Connor behind me." Hank said quickly

"got it, " Connor said stepping behind Hank, as I stepped forward and put my back against the wall to hanks left.

hank then kicked the door down, stepping into the apartment first, then I followed him checking my left and right before completely going inside. Connor followed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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