Ugh Vampires.

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woke up in my bedroom , Yes surprisingly I had one. I was all brusied and battered but I put concealer on all of it. I put on mascara and Black lipstick with Smokey eye shadow. I then slipped on my outfit

With addition of my chocker of course

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With addition of my chocker of course.

I then brushed my slightly wavy black hair that goes down to my waist

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I then brushed my slightly wavy black hair that goes down to my waist. Then I walked to Seji's office like he told me and Yui to do once we were done getting dressed. He informed us that we will be living with distant relatives while he was gone. I instantly knew that was bullshit but didn't say anything. He said they are the Sakamaki's. I knew they were a mansion of pure blood vampires. Of course Yui threw a fit and I just said "What the fuck ever," and walked to my room to pack my stuff up. When I got into my room I packed all my necessities and I brung my suitcases near the door. Seji called Yui to come because the Limo was here. We hoped in and I started blasting music threw my head phones on my mp3 player. I eventually fell asleep until the driver woke me up and told me we had reached the destination. I thanked him while Yui grabbed her stuff and walked towards the mansion. I grabbed my stuff and walked slowly towards the mansion. It started to rain so Yui freaked and ran to the door and ran inside. I just took my sweet time and as soon as I got there I saw Yui pinned down by a readhead I knew as Ayato. I tched and he looked around but saw no one and Yui shouted "Someone please help me!" Suddenly a guy I Knew as Reiji appeared and said "This is the entrance hall it is preserved for guest do that in your room but not in here." Ayato scoffed and muttered"Buzzkill..." "Who are you?" Reiji asked Yui. "My Father sent me here is this the Samakaki household?" "We need to talk about this somewhere else." Yui followed Reiji and I stayed in the shadows. "Now, For the sake of formalities who are you and how did you came to enter this house?" "U-um w-well." Fu~Fu Has a cute human girl decided to give us a visit? Laito then licked Yui's face and she squealed and he said she tasted good or some shit. The Kanato licked her ear he said "Your right, She does taste sweet." "Stop it, it is very impolite to do that to a young lady you just met." Reji stated Latio said " It is only right to taste something that looks and tastes good." I thought 'They haven't tasted me yet' Ayato said, "Hey, knock it off yours truly saw her first yours truly will be her first everything." Subaru said "Lame, I'm so tired of hearing you call yourself 'Yours Truly'." "Damnit Subaru, I know it's you Come out and face me Damnit!" Ayato then came out and rambled about Yui waking him up and he Hit the wall two inches away from my face. "H-how did you enter this room so quickly?" Your" name?" "Yui Komori." She said "Damn it Yui, you are a stupid motherfucker." I stated and stepped out of the shadows. Yui spat "No one asked for your opinion bitch!" "Oh fuck off blonde Bimbo." I snapped at Yui everyone started laughing exept for Reji and Shu they were smirking. "Sorry, My name is Shirogane Nightshade and I was sent from the same church as Blonde Bimbo here she is so oblivious that you are vampires it's crazy." Everyone looked a shocked and I said "It takes a Smart person to know  vampires bitches." Reiji sighed and said "Does anyone know what's going on here?" Yui then rumbled about something being a misunderstanding and tried to grab me but I side stepped and spat "Don't touch me you Bitch!" "Ooooo Badass-Bitch is fiesty!" Latio said (666 words :0) Yui said "Fine! I'll go without you!" And she ran I said "This bitch is stupid." Everyone sighed and I ran after everyone but took a break for a minute. After that break I went to Yui and I Found her with a skint knee holding up a cross and yelling "Take this you monsters!" Bwhaaaa YOU BLONDE BIMBO None of that works against a vampire dumbass." "Oh." then Shu said something about a man telling him to treat us with respect and not to kill the badass one." Then Latio rambled on about us being prospective brides or some shit. The Ayato crushed her phone but I held on to my phone tight. Reji went to introduce everyone but I pointed at him and said "Your Reji the second oldest, Your Shu the Oldest, Those are the triplets the oldest Latio, The middle child Kanato, and the youngest triplet Ayato and the youngest brother Sabaru." Everyone looked at me shocked and I said "Got a problem?" Everyone quickly shook their heads and Ayato showed Yui her room and Reiji showed me mine I thanked him and entered my room. It looked badass. It was all in black and red but my bed was silver. I immediately put my head phones in I Hate silence. You wonder why? Tch, that's only for me to know. I then unpacked all my weapons and necessities. You wonder what song I'm listening to? Why wolf in sheep's clothing of course,

I then laid down and went to sleep only to a few minutes later feel a slight pressure on my bed. My eyes snap open under my shades I see Latio sitting at the end of my bed. He said "Wow, Badass Bitch is different from other humans." "Got that damn right." I said Latio jumped up shocked  "Fu~Fu~Fuuu~ Did Shiro wake up just for me?~" he said. "Fuck to the no." I said "Fu~Fu~Fuuuu~ that's not very nice to say." "Why do you wear shades Shiro?" he asked "Because I don't want people to see my hideous eyes." "Fu~Fu~Fu~ I bet their really pretty ♥️!" "Thanks Latio, but can you please Get the FUCK out?" "Fine." Latio stated and then teleported out of my room. I plopped down on my bed and went back to sleep. ~End of Chapter one~

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