'Meeting The Samakaki's'

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When Reiji walked me in I saw them in the same formation except Yui was standing there. "Victor!!!" She yelled smiling at me "Nope." I responded and side stepped her so she would hug the floor. "Your so meaaan!" She said playfully V/N (Victor Note) This dumb bitch doesn't realize it's me! Oops broke the fourth wall Damn author!!!  "Well nah fucking dipshit." I replied "Bitch!" She exclaimed while crossing her arms I rolled my eyes and said "Anyway my name is Victor Nightshade I am the adopted brother of Yui, biological brother of Shirogane Nightshade."  "I'm Reji the  second oldest, Shu the oldest, The triplets The oldest Laito, Kanato, and Ayato and the youngest Subaru." Reiji said while pointing at each one "Fufufu~ BadBoy-Kun your so handsome!" Laito purred I smirked and said "Your not so bad yourself." *Thinks I knew Laito is Bi and everyone else is straight. (Credit to evemb20 for the idea)  continued to think hard* "V--r." "Vi--." Victor!" I heard a voice yell "Yes?" "We've been calling you for a minute!" "Well excuse fucking me!" "You seemed really deep in thought BadBoy-Kun.~" I scoffed and replied "So what if I was!" "That's enough you two." Reiji said "mph.... too loud..." "Be quiet deadbeat!" *Bet you can't guess who said that* "Can I taste you Victor?" Kanato asked "Yes I can Teddy!" He giggled and licked my neck "hehehe~ Not so fast Kanato." "This one's mine!" "Fine!" He stormed off "What is all this noise!" I heard Sabaru yell and hit a wall "Poor wall." I said He looked at me like wtf is wrong with you "Follow me Mr.Nightshade and I will show you too your room." Reiji walked me to my room then I thanked him and he nodded and left I took of my hoodie then took off my shirt and pants That left me in my boxers. I debated on sleeping like this but then what I they see my scars? Well, I can explain to Shu that he did the same thing to me as he did to Shiro. I sighed and plopped down on my king sized bed. The room was black with red trimming. The bed was white with bright red trimming and the blanket was red with gold trimming. I really liked this room and it felt like me. I saw all of my stuff in the corner so I took it out and pulled out a hairbrush, A bottle of man's shampoo and conditioner, deodorant, My PTSD medicine, shaving cream, pink fingernail polish, a pink outfit, and a jewelry box that was black and dark red. I put all of those in a drawer and put the shaving cream and hair wash in the bathroom. I knew we have night school  tomorrow so I decided to take a shower. After I took a shower (a peaceful one thank God) I put on a new pair of boxers and brushed my hair. I decided to then go ahead and go to sleep after taking my medicine. I did not have a dream but when I woke up I saw a Boy's uniform and a note saying "This is your school uniform Victor. We leave at Seven-Thirty  with or without you. -Reiji" I groaned as it was seven-twenty. I got up and put the uniform on. I applied concealer even though all that's left is scars. I brushed my teeth and hair then teleported into the limo. Everyone was there expect for Yui of course. That girl is always late. I decided to sit by Shu and I put my headphones in and listened to Partners in crime. Yui finally came after two minutes. I closed my eyes and fell into a slumber. I woke up when I heard fan girl screeches and I took off my headphones and turned off my music. All the boys including Yui stepped out so it was my turn to step out. As I stepped out everyone started screaming saying "Is that Shiro's brother?" "Wow he's hot!" "Date me!" "Your so hot!" "Thank you ladies but I have to go." I said in a flirty voice "I'll see you pretty ladies later I said after I winked at a brown haired girl and she got a nose bleed and fainted. Reiji sighed and handed me a schedule and said "Here is your schedule you have one or two classes with Laito and Shu." "That deadbeat doesn't go to class anyway." "I expect you to be in class or you will be punished." "Okay." I agreed I turned around to Laito and said "Let's go to our first class: Social Studies. We entered the class room and the teacher said "Alright class, we have a new student we will let him come up here and introduce himself." I stepped up by the teacher and said "Hello my name is Victor Nightshade. I like Chocolates and playing the Violin, Piano, and Clarinet." "I hope we get along ladies!" I said while sending a wink to a blonde headed chick in the corner (This is important for later storyline) She flashed a smile toward me and I decided to talk to her later. Anyone have any questions for Victor? "Are you single?" "Yes." Are you looking to date someone?" "Maybe." "Are you Shiro's sister?" a girl asked shivering I chuckled and said "Yes I am." The same blonde headed chick in the corner raised her hand "What happened to Shirogane?" I smiled politely and said "She had to go to our fathers house in America." "America?" A bunch of people started murmuring about how far away that is until the teacher yelled "SILENCE!" "Sit by Layla in the corner over there." She pointed to the blonde headed girl I saw earlier. I smiled and sat down and she greeted me while smiling "My name is Victor as you know and I'm guessing your name is Layla?" "You are correct." She said her voice was soft but powerful "Layla Rose Kaitlyn Everdeen." "My full name is Victor Yuri Thames Nightshade." (Fun fact I was going to name him Yuri but I decided against it and chose Victor instead and Thames is pronounced Thay-mes.)"That's a pretty name for a pretty lady." I said kinda flirtatiously "Thank you!" She said her smile as bright as the sun. (Thinks Boi if I didn't like men over women I would date her.) "What class do you have next?" "I have cooking." "Me too." I said chuckling  "We're lucky!" "Ms. Everdeen  and Mr. Nightshade please stop talking and pay attention in class." Some students in the room started snickering but I glared and they shut up. "Yes ma'am." We simultaneously answered after class ended we went to two other classes then it was time for lunch. As soon as I entered the lunch room I tried to sit down by  four people but I got dragged by Laito to the Samakaki table while he glared at the four people at the table. "What did you do that for!?" I demanded "They are not full blooded vampires!" "They are half-blooded vampires who where turned by a vampire." "Plus the Mukami's are our enemy!" Reiji spat out glaring at them " I groaned and said "I'll be eating in the music room so bye." I turned around and left before anyone could say anything. When I entered the music room I saw Shu and said "Wait!" "I want to do a duet." "Mmmm- fine." "The song is unravel Tokyo ghoul." Thanks I said ad I pulled out my Violin. This is what we sounded like :

(Sorry you have to listen to it twice!) After us playing Shu said "That was fun." He got up, walked to the couch, layed down, and went to sleep. I chuckled as I pulled out my lunch which consisted of an apple, apple juice, and a ham and cheese sandwich. After I was done eating the bell rung so I started heading to my fourth period class. The class was math. I actually was happy because I loved math. The teacher welcomed the class enthusiastically "Does anyone know a hard math problem?" I shot up my hand and she said "Yes you with the white hair." " Negative b Plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac over 2a. (Props if you get the reference.) "Correct!" Cried the teacher. The class flew by quickly as well as my last three classes. As soon as I knew it was time to go. As soon as I went to the limo I saw............. 1445 words! Wow! That's the most I've ever wrote I hope you like this chapter it took me two days to do. I'm really proud of myself that I decided to continue this story and that I wrote that much in two days. Sorry for the cliff hanger. I'll see you in the next chapter. Sincerely, SkyeCohen101

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