Dinner and school + HOLY LORD

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We all went and stat down at the table. I didn't really feel like eating much so I just ate half of my food. Then Latio said something about spoon feeding Yui because she didn't eat alot. Reji said "It's disrespectful to stand up during dinner. Latio rolled his eyes and sat down. A couple minutes later Shu just got up and left and I heard Reji mutter "Deadbeat."
I then get up and ask "May I be excused?" I was smirking in my mind. "Yes, you may Ms.Nightshade. I went to my bedroom and sat on my bed. I pulled out the necklaces I always wore but nobody ever has saw them but me.

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6,819 (sapphire) and 17,959 (Ruby) My real mom gave me the Ruby and my real dad gave me the sapphire

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6,819 (sapphire) and 17,959 (Ruby) My real mom gave me the Ruby and my real dad gave me the sapphire. I smiled at the memory
~Flash Back~
It was the day that was before my parents died. I was laughing and swinging happily until my mother called me inside. She said that we were going to bake cookies and cake for my father when he gets home because he worked longer than usual. Me and Mom ended up making a mess of the kitchen but the cookies and cake where in the oven. We waited for the timer to go off and when it did mom put on her oven mitts and got the cookies and cake out of the oven. I ran over to the cookies and I accidentally touched the pan. I screamed "Ow!" My mom rushed me over to the sink and put luke warm water on my finger. (This actually works) She ran and got burn cream and a bandaid. She dried my finger off gently and applied the burn cream and put on the bandaid. She then scolded me about touching hot items. Then we iced the cake and waited. My father came home and was very suprised but was happy. Then it was time to go to bed but then mother and father came over me and said the wanted to give you their families heirlooms in case they get hurt. I gasped and thanked them and put them on my neck. Then they kissed me on the cheek and forehead goodnight and mom sang me my favorite story.

"There was once upon an time in another place, an evil kingdom who no person dared to face and the ruler was a girl so mean, a tiny little princess of only age 14, so much furniture litterd her abode, her loyal servant who likeness surely showed, Josephine was what her horse was named all the riches of the world is what she had claimed, if you're short on money that's no fearful thing, just take it from those who you dangle on a string, to those who feel they want to bring me down they'll just tide up my gown, NOW BOW TO ME!!!
the weeds who wanted to stay they'll just die and feed me the same anyway, the princess held a love  for a man, of blue who wasn't very much her fan, instead he chose his neighbor's girl, of green whose eyes shone like a Pearl, that princess knew that and was filled with rage, She called her minster locked in her cage, in a soft voice to not be heard she said "Make sure the green country is badly stirred." House's of the people where burned to the ground, so many voices who would no longer make an sound, but the people who have suffered so much pain didn't get pity from the one who slain. Oh, it's tea time to defeat the princesses was no easy task, but the people could no longer wear their masks, like a flock of birds they were lead by a red lady mercenary into the night, all the anger that had but of from the years now consumed them without any fears and her army was battered from the green war, their attacks weren't much of a chore, Once they fell the country men surrounded the court, the servants ran away as time was running short, little woman princesses would never pose a fight, and she was finally captured in the nigh! "Your such a disrespectful man!" She was to be punished at 3:00, when the church bells resounded a tock, the person who once was royalty was board in jail with no loyalty! At the time that eventually came the churchbells to her sounded rather lame, without looking into the faces of the crowd she said with her eyes in a shroud "Oh! It's tea time!" Now the people speak about her without a second thought, the daughter of evil had received what she had sought!"

(I don't own anything and I personally love the Liz's voice and the story but it's so sad) I fell asleep after that and I woke up to the house on fire and my parents dead..
~End of flash back~
I smiled a sad but warm smile as I tucked my Necklaces away. I then layed down on the bed and just stared at the ceiling while kicking my legs up and down. Ohh how much I hate that new girl Yui. She was always the 'perfect child' while I was a Monster.
I Hate Seji Komori. Komori pffft sounds like a little girl's name (Yui) . I decided I want going to stay in my room all day. I went to my dresser and got out my rose scented lotion, Rose scented body wash, Rose shampoo and conditioner, Rose candles,  rose petals, Epson salt, my makeup bag, and  my hair curler. I sat them all on top of the dresser. I went to pick out my dress and chose this one

 I went to pick out my dress and chose this one

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I hung my dress up and put my heels by the dress

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I hung my dress up and put my heels by the dress. I went to the bath tub and I sat the candles around and started the water. When the bath was perfect I let it fill up to the top. Then I put in the rose petals. Then I added some Epson salt to the bath to relax my muscles. I sat in the tub and washed my body and hair then I relaxed for a little while. Then I grabbed a towel and wrapped it on my body. Then I slipped my undergarments on and I put the dress and heels on along with my necklaces. Then I did my makeup.


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HOLY LORD!!!!!!!  1.15k reads is beyond what I have ever dreamed of!!!! I'm so glad people read this!!! Ilysm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am definitely going to continue this even though I have writers block, if you have a suggestion for the next chapter feel free to put your idea and I might use it!!!!! Thank you ilysm again love , Starlina

15k reads is beyond what I have ever dreamed of!!!! I'm so glad people read this!!! Ilysm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am definitely going to continue this even though I have writers block, if you have a suggestion for the next chapter feel free to put y...

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