A day all by myself

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I strode around my room looking beautiful but soon I took my dress and heels off and I put on a pair of jeans and a short sleeve shirt. I did my foundation on my arms and legs. I walked out of my room and went to the kitchen and put a note on the table saying I was going to the mall. I walked out of the mansion and walked to the mall. Yes it was a hella long walk for humans and I could of just teleported but I wanted to exercise and burn some calories can you blame me? No? I didn't think so. I then entered the mall. There were alot of people surrounding me. I walked to the first shop to the right. I went in there and bought a black strapless dress, Black heels, and some black tights. Next I went to a perfume shop. I found a Victoria secret perfume that was coconut scented and then I found a Rose petal scented bottle too. I bought that too. I was a little tiered so I sat down for a few minutes. I went into a Ice cream shop. "Hello Miss how may I help you?" "Yes, May I have a Cookies and cream Cup please?" "Your total is 1.50 please." "Thank you have a nice day ma'am!" "You too!" I replied I left the mall but thought where the Fuck am I going to put all my bags? I just teleported to my room and sat my things down and teleported in front of the mall again. I decided to take a stroll in the park while eating my ice cream. I found a bench below a Sakura (Cherry blossom) Tree. I love cherry blossom trees because the represent love and they are soft and I make them into lotion for me and Rarely anyone else. The sun is shining beautifully and I can hear the birds chirping. I finished my ice cream so I got up and throw it away in the trash can can straight toward to me.  I decided to go back into the mall and I bought a bathing suit : it was gold and silver. I teleported myself to a pool nearby. I decided to just slowly walk in. I'm so glad I wore water proof foundation. My feet would reach the bottom so I decided to just stand in the water for a minute. Then I layed down on my back and floated. Then I did a front stroke and swam to the other side. I dove underwater and swam under there for about 30 seconds then came back up for water. I was suprised that I never had ran into any of the brothers or Yui while doing all of this. I got out and dried off. I then decided I was going to go home because I was tiered. When I went into the house and I saw a note saying "Hey bitch, we are going to go out for the whole day I hope you had a good day NOT hahaha ~The Blissful Yui Komori" "Ugh!" I said and ripped the note off the door and ripped it up into tiny pieces. I went into my bedroom and took out my petals and made them into lotion (Other ingredients to duh!)  I then sat it down on my dresser. I love making lotion. I decided to clean my necklaces so I put the stopper in the sink and filled it up with soap and water. Then after 5 mins I got them, dried them, and put them on again. Then I decided to go to sleep...... Im so sorry that I haven't been updating and sorry this is short I lost motivation for a little while and I'm having some drama right now thank you for reading this and I'm so shocked that we have got 2.3k!!!!!!!!!! This is more than I have ever hoped for I thought only a few people would ever read this but y'all proved me wrong I love each and every one of you and hope you have a good day/night!!!!~Starlina1783

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