The Drawing

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When I went into the limo I saw Yui and Ayato snuggling. I lifted a eyebrow at them and Yui blushed and looked away and Oreo smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and sat down beside Shu. He opened one of his ocean blue eyes to look at me. I nodded shortly at him and he pulled me down to lay beside him. He took a ear bud and put it in my ear. I relaxed beside him and fell asleep. I woke up as the limo came to a stop. I said "Shu we're home." "He opened up one eye and got up and walked lazily to the house and plopped down on the couch. I sighed and went into my bedroom. I took out my two pills and swallowed them with ease. I would of died if it weren't for this medicine. I looked at my other suitcase and I got up to go get it. Inside was a drawing book and art kit. I pulled them out and sat them on my bed. I sat down and I drew a boy that looked very similar to me. I was i In the last one. also list the songs before it. It will be number 3. (Listen to others before 3) #1



I sighed and signed my drawing when someone bursted into my room and when I looked up it was Yui. She looked at the picture and snatched it up and I said "what the fuck?" "Haha! I'm going to take your drawing and say I did it." She ran off and I ran after her. We were running so fast she ran into Laito and fell on her butt while I quickly snatched the picture. "Hey! give me my drawing back!" "It's not yours it's mine!" "Fu~fu~fuu~ Let me see the drawing!~" Laito then took the drawing. "Oh this is so sad!" "Bitch-chan I'm pretty sure your name is not Victor so I know it's his." She looked flabbergasted and I laughed. To be continued..... I'm so sorry I haven't updated and u I know it's short but I am going through alot right now so be🐻 with me.

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