14 facts about me

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I was just bored so I am going to put 14 facts about me.

#1 I have a fear of hights, needles, elevators and escalators. The only one I have an explanation for is the escalator one because I was on a school trip once to a mall and I almost fell off an escalator if my friend wouldn't of grabbed me.

#2 I love singing but never do it in front of people.

#3 I do drama performances.

#4 I love horses but only rode one when I was little.

#5 I am a book nerd.

#6 I have no pets.

#7 I have severe anxiety.

#8 I hate doctor visits.

#9 I don't really care for ice cream.

#10 Music is my life.

#11 I have really fuzzy Panda pajama pants.

#12 I love gaming.

#13 I am a picky eater.

#14 My favorite color is blue.

That's all for now if you want to know anything about me just ask and I will answer if I'm comfortable enough with the question.

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