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I woke up to see Shu sleeping beside me and it was nighttime. I gently shook Shu to get him awake and that didn't work. I leaned down and kissed his lips. He stirred awake and he said "Victor I'm trying to sleep." I sighed and said "Shu, it's time for school." He sighed and teleported away leaving his hoodie behind. I sighed and opened my closet to get my ripped black skinny jeans, A My Chemical Romance tee shirt, and my black shoes. I put them all on then I grabbed She's hoodie and slipped it on top of my clothes. I looked in the mirror at messy hair and brushed it. I then went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. While I was in there I put on some black eyeliner. I then found my black cross earrings and put them on as well as my diamond nose ring. I decided not to cover my scars because I was wearing Shu's hoodie. I teleported to the living room where everyone was waiting and of course, Yui still hasn't learned. She tumbled down the stairs and fell on her ass. I hid my face as I started to silently laugh at her. She saw me laughing and said "Shut up Victor!" I opened my mouth to respond before a voice broke out "Victor can do what he wants to because it was your fault you were late, now shut up I'm trying to sleep." She turned as pink as her normal outfit and I had to stop my self from laughing again. Reiji sighed and muttered under his breath as he said "There will be a punishment later, this is the fifth day in a row." Yui turned pale and started begging but Reiji just sighed and said "Everyone to the limo it's time to go." Everyone teleported and I once again, sat by Shu. I looked up at Liato and winked at him. He was shocked but then a his face grew into a smirk. When we got to the school we heard the scream of fangirls. I stood by Shu and he wrapped his arms around me. Some of the sane fans awwed at us and I lightly blushed. We departed and I entered the classroom. I saw Layla in the corner again and sat by her. She smiled at me and asked "Are you and Shuu dating?" I paused for a moment. She said "I see the way you both interact with each other." I decided to tell her because there was still time before class and not everyone was here yet. I whispered in her ear and said "Yes we are but don't tell no one and if you do I know who snitched." She looked slightly frightened but said "Okay, I promise I won't tell anyone." She then said "I mean I'm dating Elizabeth." My eyes went wide at that name. "Elizabeth who?" I questioned. "Elizabeth Schuyler." I froze and said "I know her, she was my childhood best friend!" She was shocked and smiled and said "I'll give you hers and my number!" I smiled as she wrote her and Elizabeth's number down. My eyes were lit up. You see, Elizabeth had known me longer than anyone. She knew I was trans so when I introduced myself as Victor she would know exactly who I was. I chatted with her until the teacher came in. After a few classes it was time for lunch. I went in to the music room to find Shu. When I went in there there was a boy in there with Shu. They seemed to be arguing and I said "Guys?" They instantly stopped fighting and Shu's eyes softened when they saw me. "Don't worry Victor, Kou here is just leaving." Kou laughed and said "I'll see you again Shu and Victor!" I looked at him confused and then it dawned on me. He was one of the boys I tried to sit with at lunch that one day but Reiji stopped me. I sighed and sat down beside Shu. Shu opened his eyes and said "Come play with my hair." I sighed and let Shu lay in my lap as I ran my fingers through his hair. He offered me an ear bud and I took it. Some Beethoven was playing and I ran my fingers through his hair with the beat of the music. He fell asleep but I kept on running my hands through his hair. An hour later the bell rang. I gently woke Shu up with a kiss and told him I needed to go to class. He nodded and teleported away. I teleported to the boys bathroom so I wouldn't have to walk that far. I walked out and went to my last two classes. After that I teleported into the car so we could go home. When we got home I went straight to my room to text Elizabeth or Eliza as we used to call her. I texted "Elizabeth!! I got your number from Layla, we haven't talked in a while I want to catch up to you. Love, Victor Nightshade🥀." A few minutes later I heard a ping. She answered saying "It's so nice to hear from you again Victor! I have missed you dearly! Angelica is dating Thomas Paine, Peggy is dating Maria Lewis, and I am of course dating Layla. Love, Eliza Schuyler💟💙💛. " I chuckled and texted back "That's awesome I'm so happy for you, love Victor Nightshade🥀." I then sat my phone down and reached for my make-up kit. I put on dark purple eyeshadow and lipstick, with mascara, Eyeliner, and some highlighter. I grabbed my phone and took a selfie and sent it to Eliza and Layla. I laughed waiting for there reactions. They both sent back laughing faces and I chuckled. I plopped on my bed and got under the covers. I slowly drifted off into a unconscious state.
1002 words

Hey guys! Im back and glad to say I'm continuing this book! Im glad for all of your endless support! Love, SkyeCohen101.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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