Chapter 2 - Feyre/Rhysand

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Fear ate at me now, deeper somehow than it had been before meeting the Suriel. Fear that morphed on my face into anger, anger that was only skin deep. I turned on the others, Amren was hanging around the back, seemingly unsure of her place in this argument.
"Now,"I growled, more animalistic than I had ever heard before, "do I finally have your trust? Do you finally believe me after I have hidden in that dreaded Court, killed Azriel, caught a Suriel, all for the soul sake of saving this sinking Court?" I wasn't listening to the males in front of me, I was listening to the male in the brush behind me. His breathing was near silent, a whisper of wind, seemingly dead. Like everyone thought he was. Nothing but a shadow. "My mate means nothing to me. I want t be the one to kill him. Grant me that one thing, and I will help you defeat Prythian." I nearly choked on the words, nearly released the tears trapped in my eyes, desperate to fall. I nearly released everything, but it was trapped for now. The dreamer who had been awakened was rotting in a cell, slowly crumbling away, and I could feel it. Feel that dreamer getting shredded to pieces by the darkness. Darkness that I feared I could no longer control. I felt Rhys pushing at the other side, trying to get in, trying to help, but I couldn't. For fear that what he found would mean I couldn't go back to Velaris.
"You want Rhysand, then you get him." The King said, "as long as you are my Commander." I small smirk crept across my face, erasing all of the other emotions.
"Done." And when I looked past Hybern at Amren, I could feel her otherworldliness roiling under her skin. I could see emotions swarming underneath her eyes I had never thought I would see. Confusion and somehow, despite everything, there was fear there. I couldn't tell what it was for, whether it be the wrath of the King, myself, or my mate. 


Amren was gone, and no one knew where. I paced back and forth in my cabin at the Illyrian camp, the blistering cold wind somehow finding its way through the wooden boards. Azriel was looking for her now, and I prayed that he would find her. We needed her, if everything else failed, we would release her. I heard Cassian come in through the door, rather than the roof as he had done last night. He leant against the doorframe,
"You better not still be mad because I put a hole in you roof." I stopped my pacing and looked in his direction.
"You better not be hear to plead for my mercy." He laughed,
"Why would I ever do that?" I opened my mouth to respond, just as Az winnowed into the room, a grim expression on his face.
"I have good news and bad news." Before I could respond, Cassian interjected.
"Always do the bad news first, so that the good news will cheer you up again."
"Actually, you always do god news first so that once the bad news is said you can immediately come up with a solution." Az responded, smirking, before continuing and taking Cassian's suggestion despite his own comment. "Amren is in Spring with Hybern, they offered her freedom for information on the Night Court." No one spoke. Then Azriel almost smiled when he said the second part. "Feyre got you a way out if this all goes to shit." His comment was pointed at me, "she is finding a way to get us all out of trouble if something goes wrong." Cassian stood up from the doorframe, but neither of us quite knew how to respond. First, Amren has betrayed us, second, Feyre has found a way to save us. 
"How is she?" Azriel's smile dropped from his face, and worry crept into my bones.
"I don't know anymore." And there is was again, the unknown. It seemed that, no matter how much I tried, I couldn't reach her anymore, couldn't feel anything except that constant, agitated darkness behind her walls. 
"Well, if its any condolence, Devlon is starting to function again. His wings have somewhat healed." Azriel and I both gaze Cassian a doubtful look, who shrugged it ff before leaving the cabin again. There was a roar of wind, and then silence, as Az and I both just looked at each other. I sighed,
"What happened that day, when you both disappeared from the cabin?" The question had been at the back of mind for the weeks since it had occurred. I had never thought to ask until now, because it seemed like it had changed Feyre, irreparably. 

Az was silent for a few seconds after I spoke, thinking. Until he spoke, no quieter nor louder than he had spoken before, but something in his voice held a less formal tone. 
"She winnowed across the wall, to a clearing." He spoke, I was still unable to pick up the emotion in his voice. "It was the same one I was camped at during the war. I didn't know why she went there, because that is where I went as well. For quiet. But I found her instead, and her mother's gravestone." He paused slightly. Sadness, that was what tinged his words. Loss and sadness. "I left after I said something to her. But, I think it reminded her of her family, something she had forgotten on the other side of the wall. I couldn't be sure though." And then we both were silent again, as we thought. I couldn't place why he would want to go back to that place, where he had been during the war, or what could possibly drive him to return in that moment, or why, of all places, that was where Feyre's mother was buried, but I remained silent. However, as if in answer to my questions, he spoke.
"I visited her once, Feyre's mother, before she knew her husband. I knew her great-great grandfather, who fought in the war as his wife was pregnant. He didn't survive, and it took me centuries to locate his family. Until I found her." The sadness was still there, and it was in me to, because I didn't realise Az had known any of the humans that well. I never bothered to ask. "She made me promise her one thing, that she would get buried near him. And I promised, I didn't ask why, but I promised anyway." A small smile was on his face now, finally a happy memory surfaced. It made me smile too. 



I'm back! Sorry all for the extended break, I didn't know how to write this part, or whether anyone would even like it, but here it is! I hope you do enjoy it and think it was the right way to progress this story :)

Any specific perspectives you guys would like to see in the next chapters? If so message me or comment!

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