Chapter 20

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In the middle of a forest, where no one but a huntress in desperate need would ever tread, lies a clearing where the Cursebreaker completed her final wish. Where two graves lie side by side, both forgotten by time itself. The only indication of this site is the glowing blue stone that lies on one of those graves. It marks the place where a handful of ashes, scavenged on a battlefield far to the North, is buried only a few centimetres underground. 

The Cursebreaker was never forgotten, not by a single person who had witnessed what she did that day, and not by anyone who heard about it. Her story is often whispered over fires or to little ones as they lie in bed. But there is not one person who remembers her more vividly than her mate. Her mate who buried her that day next to a pair of graves in the middle of a clearing. Marked that third grave only with a pale, white stone, barely visible, unless seen under the light of the stars. 


"To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die." - Thomas Campbell

"Don't give in to them, don't let them win. Don't let the shadows take you, you control them, you are their master." - Azriel, Chapter 13, A Different Type of Ending

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