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i let go of you
and walked away
not cause you hurt me
but you were holding me down
and darling, i realized
that you might fall in love
but the only thing love does
is make you rise
so what we had, you and i
wasn't love at all
i'm sorry

i'm sorry. i tried. i really did try falling in love with you. i gazed at you every single day and listed what i liked about you the most. i tried writing poems about you. but i couldn't. every single word, every single drop of ink on the paper somehow was always about him. i tried to force myself to daydream about you but it was only his face that formed in my mind. i tried to listen to love songs and think about you but my ears ached for his voice instead. i tried baby. i really did. i want to love you. but i can't. i'm sorry.

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