this is it

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this is it. 

poetry was something that made me feel connected to a world that i was too afraid to enter. a little shell of protection, a cocoon of comfort and warmth. my very own armour against the atrocities of my life. and little by little it shape-shifted me from someone protected to a protector, slowly carving itself into a sword. i can't thank it enough for being what it is. 

and i can't even start mustering up the words to thank you, the reader, who decided that my poems were worth the gaze of your beautiful eyes. they basked in your attention. they bloomed at your sight. you were their sun, marking the beginning of a new day. i hope you loved them as much as they love you. 

i decided against making this collection longer. i thought fifty was enough. fifty glances of my life and my heart and my passion. the fifty works that were handwritten with blue ink in my diary and then typed into my laptop in small, black fonts say more about me than i can utter. 

thank you again for reading. my heart goes out to you.

with love and admiration,

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