chapter 12

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| forgetting |


"luke, where are we going?" riley panted as the two ran down the street.

"somewhere." luke said as he basically dragged riley along.

luke suddenly stopped, making riley slam into the back of him. "oh, sorry." she said brushing his back off. "don't want you to get riley germs." and she snatched her hand away from his.

luke turned and faced her. "i won't get 'riley germs'." he said. "i won't get any germs actually. you're perfect how you are." he grabbed her hand again and held it tight enough so she wasn't able to take her hand away.

the two came up to a girly store and luke was still basically dragging riley behind him.

"why are we here?" riley asked.

"i'm going to spoil you." luke said straight forward.

riley looked confused. "why?"

"to get your mind off of things, to make you forget about the stuff thats happened. and i like spending time with you." he smiled, earning a small smile from riley.

"you don't have to do this. i have homework i need to do." she said pointing to the backpack that was on her back. they still had their school stuff with them.

"its the weekend. and besides, homework is stupid."

riley shrugged. "good point. but really, don't waste money on me. i'm not worth spending mon-" luke cut her off.

"go pick out some clothes or whatever girls use and let me but it. go. run along." he said finally releasing her hand.

she hesitated at first, then speed walked to the shoes, earning a couple of stares from people in the store. luke laughed and followed her.


after the store luke noticed that riley didn't want any clothes. all she wanted were a few pairs of shoes.

"you didn't want any clothes or anything like that?" luke asked concerned, obviously forgetting about her disorder.

"no." she said quickly. "no clothes. i have enough of those." she lied.

luke suddenly remembered.

"are you not getting clothes b-because of.."

riley nodded. "i always get judged by the cashiers. they're always like, 'who wears a size 00? i didn't even know we had that in stock.'" luke remained silent.

luke's plan to help riley forget about her problems and such didn't go so well.


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