chapter 22

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| slam |


"bye!" riley called to luke as she walked to the front door.

"bye, love you!" he called back.

riley melted inside and smiled to herself. "love you too!" she said as she walked out the door.

riley didn't want to go home, but she needed to get home before her parents called her. her parents didn't necessarily care when she got home, but they obviously needed to know where she was, and she just had to get home. luke insisted on walking riley home, but riley made him stay where he was, on the couch, and let her walk home by herself, because she was totally capable of doing so, considering she's walked to lukes house by herself many times.


riley walked through the side door of her house being greeted by a happy dog, and furious parents. she tried walking past them, but got stopped.

"riley grace coleman, come here, now." her dad said, a stern voice.

riley turned on her heels, her arms crossed across her chest. "what?" she snapped, her voice cracking.

"what do you mean what? you stormed out of the house and was gone for hours!" her mom yelled.

"i'm not going to that hospital." she stated avoiding what her mother just said.

"you need help." her mom sighed. "you really do."

"I don't need any fucking help!" riley screamed.

"watch your language!" mr. coleman said through gritted teeth as he grabbed a hold of her long brown hair.

"let go of me!" she yelled, struggling to get loose from his grip.

mr. coleman let go of her, alright. he flung her to the nearest wall where she slammed into it pretty hard. she hit the ground not bothering to move anymore.

"don't talk to your mother like that." he said, again, through gritted teeth, and with that he walked away.

her mother just stood there, looking at riley with cold eyes. she didn't even bother to help her up. she just followed her father.

riley laid there, tears now forming in her eyes. this is another reason why riley felt the need to just go ahead and kill herself.

she felt a warm creature come and nudge her back, and she instantly knew it was her dog. she turned over and looked the animal in its eyes. "at least i know you'll always be here for me."


laying on his bed, all he could think about was riley. he stared at the poster he taped to his ceiling of a favorite band of his. he heard a few noises coming from his window. he thought it might've been riley, but why would she come back so soon?

he went to his window and opened it. it wasn't riley.

it was ashton.

luke rolled his eyes. "what do you want? how did you even know which window was my room?"

"have you forgotten that i've been to this house a million times before?"

"oh, right." luke mumbled. "what do you want?" he repeated.

"i want to apologize." he sighed.

"i'm not the one you should say sorry to." luke spat.

"I want to apologize to you both, but I don't know where the fre- " he swallowed. "where riley lives. and she probably doesn't want me to know where she lives anyway."

luke shrugged, not catching that ashton almost insulted riley again. "that's your fault now isn't it?"

ashton shoved his large hands into the small pockets of his jeans. "look, i'm sorry. i was just following calum. i don't know about michael, but i am really sorry and i miss having my best friend by my side. i know this girl means a lot to you, and I promise that i'll never make dumb ass jokes about her again." he paused. "you're all i've got."

luke held up a finger, telling ashton to wait. luke went and got the small escape ladder that his friends, or ex-friends use to sneak into his house. he went back to the window and latched it onto the window sill, extending the end of the ladder to the ground below. "come up."




ok when I was writing the luke and ashton bit it sooooo felt like i was writing a part to a love film or whatever and like the guy (ash) is trying to get the girl (luke) back and like yeah. IMAGINE THT AHAHA.

ok so this isn't the best chapter, but i hope it isn't awful lol.

but I won't be updating as much anymore. school has started for me, and like i said in the last authors note, I play volleyball for my school, {NUMBER 8 BITCHES MIDDLE BLOCKER AYE WHAT WHAT WHAT oK im dONE OMFG} and the season started the first day of school and i have practices everyday after school until 6:00 and i won't get home until like 6:15 or so and I'm gonna do track in the spring {but i doubt this story will last until the spring bc it'll end soon but just in case,} and i'll have to stay after school for that too, so yeah.


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