chapter 27

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| the end |


3 weeks after riley's death



i sit here writing in this journal why? because this is the only way i can express my feelings. now i don't even see a point in writing in this book anymore. when riley died she took a part of me with her. a part i can never rebuild. a part i need so i can have emotions. i have no feelings anymore.

i haven't gone to school. ashton has come by everyday since i told him about the death of riley. he came by earlier today. i guess it's cool having a gay best friend, i don't even know.

the only thing i do know is that i wasn't there soon enough for riley, and i also know that our relationship was fucking rushed.

i didn't really want to have sex with her that one day, but i needed to show her that i actually loved her, and that i was here to stay. but now she's gone and i'll never get the chance to actually tell her that.

so as i write this i sit here with the same gun mr. coleman used to shoot riley with pointed at my head. my mom went on another business trip, so no one has to know just yet.

i need to join riley, so we can be together forever.

i need riley. she's the only thing that's happened to me that i truly, truly appreciated. she was my second half, even though i knew her for only a few weeks.

so goodbye journal.

goodbye mom.

goodbye dad.

goodbye jack.

goodbye ben.

goodbye ashton.



so thats the end.

i made the end like that because he shot himself in the middle of writing.

so this isnt a happy ending lol.

but i hope you guys have enjoyed this story, and thank you guys so much for 16+k reads so far on this story that means so fucking much and ily all.

please read my other stories that i have posted. it'd mean alot if thise reached the same amount of read this story got.

i love you guys.

~ @hemmingsughh

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