chapter 20

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| food |


riley woke up, very unfimilliar with her surroundings. at first she thought she had been raped, considering she had no underwear or pants on. but the she remembered luke, and how much fun they had not too long ago.

she looked around and found that she was the only one on the couch. didn't luke say he'd be here?

riley found her underwear and slipped them on. pulling down her shirt so it came to her mid thigh, she went to go find luke. she smelt something delicious, it made her mouth water. but riley knew she couldn't eat it.

she strolled into the kitchen to see a shirtless and pantless luke. she walked behind luke and slapped his ass, making luke jump.

"god damn it riley!" luke yelled, holding his hand on his buttcheek. "that hurt!"

riley just laughed. "you might want to put pants on, so you don't burn off your dick." riley laughed, pointing to how close lukes dick was to the stove.

"oh, good idea." luke said, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink.

luke walked past riley and into the living room where his pants were. riley decided to see what luke was cooking, so she looked into the pot. the scent of the noodles cooking make her mouth water. she instantly noticed what he was making: chicken alfredo. that was, hence the word was, riley's favorite dish. she almost wanted to stick her head in the pot and shove the pasta in her mouth, but she knew she couldn't. she had to be skinny. riley noticed that luke made an awful lot for just himself, or maybe he was going to force riley to eat some. riley hoped that luke was just being greedy and wanted the whole pot of food to himself.

riley jumped at the touch of lukes arms snake around her boney waist, as he kissed her cheek. "i have pants on now." he chuckled.

"good. because i didn't feel like having sex again with a dickless boyfriend." riley laughed.

"oo, you want to have sex again?" he smirked into her neck.

"well not really. you were actually kind of boring earlier." riley joked, turning to face luke.

"you didn't think so while i was -"

"i know what you were doing." riley laughed.

luke flashed a perfect teeth smile, and spun her around, so luke was close to the pot, and riley where luke was just a few seconds before. luke turned around and began to stir the noodles as riley snaked her arms around luke's waist. she tried to rest her chin on his shoulder, but he was too tall, so she just put her ear to his back, listening to the steady pace of his heart beating.

"luke?" riley asked breaking the silence.

"yes, love?"

"why are you making so much food?"

"i'm being greedy." luke joked, but riley didn't see that he was joking.

"oh. typical." she laughed.

"i'm kidding, i wouldn't eat this much by myself." he chuckled. "you're going to eat." he spoke quickly.

riley untangled herself from luke. "what?" she asked shocked.

luke turned off the stove and removed the pot from the burner, placing it on another burner that wasn't on. he turned on his heels to face riley and sighed. "i want you to eat something."

riley shook her head. "i-i can't."

"riley for me. please." he begged.

"no. i can't. i won't." she shook her head again.

"riley - "

"please don't force me." riley said running her hand through her hair and shaking it out. "please."

"i'm just scared, damn it!" he yelled, making riley jump. he sighed. "i'm scared of loosing you." he said in a calmer voice.

"you won't loose me." she whispered, still shocked at lukes sudden outburst.

"how do you know that?" he snapped. "please explain to me how it is possible for you to not die because you have lack of the calories and fats you need to survive?"

riley cringed at the words 'calories' and 'fats'. she knew she needed to eat something. the last time she was at the hospital, they told her that if she didn't eat, her days would be majorly limited, and a part of riley was terrified, but another part of her was just waiting for it to happen. she broke down crying.

luke wrapped his arms around riley's shoulder, trying to comfort her. "it's okay." luke whispered. "i'm sorry. i'm just scared."

"don't be." she mumbled into lukes bare chest. "if i die, at least i know that i was actually loved by someone who i truly cared about - you do love me right?" riley sniffed, lifting her head from lukes chest.

luke chuckled, cupping riley's face in his hands. "of course i do. no doubt about it." he planted a quick kiss on her lips. "if you don't want to eat right now, that's fine, just promise me you'll eat sometime. please?" he wiped the tears away from riley's eyes with his thumbs.

"i-" riley started. was she really going to promise luke something that could change her life forever? something that could make riley even more self conscious about herself than she already was? something that she was probably going to horrible regret? "i promise."


so many emotions damn

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