chapter 15

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| worrying |


riley had fallen asleep, and Luke started worrying. he worried about whether or not riley's parents were concerned about her not being home. he didn't want to wake her up and ask something so stupid, yet important. and besides, riley was leaned against lukes shoulder, her head just in the crook of his neck. he didn't know what to do, because it was sort of awkward, but enjoyable at the same time.

luke was just sat there, his arm awkwardly, but comfortably on riley's shoulder her. her hair smelt of coconut, which luke loved. the thing he didn't like about riley was that she didn't eat. he worried that she could die any minute because she lacked the calories and nutrients she needed to survive.

riley hated those calories, and nutrients. riley even memorized some calories that foods had. she memorized that chocolate chip cookies had 170 calories. she memorized that her favorite chips had 230 calories. she hated those calories. she was so obsessed with the desire to be skinny, she didn't even believe water had 0 calories. riley needed to look like the girls she's seen on magazine covers. she wanted her hipbones to bulge out farther than her stomach did. she wanted her ribcage to be completely visible. she wanted a thigh gap. she wanted, needed to be skinny, and she wasn't going to stop until she was satisfied, which was when she was dead.


riley rubbed her eyes, looking around, forgetting where she was. but then, she remembered. her heart started racing as she looked around for a clock. she found one and it read 10:38 pm.

"luke." she whispered while shaking him.

"luke." she said a bit louder.

"luke!" she screamed, making luke jump up.

"what happened?" he mumbled, his voice raspy.

"i need to get home." she said worried.

"so early?"

"it's almost 11:00 at night luke." she laughed.

"oh, shit, i'm sorry." he said sitting up. "will your parents hate me?"

"no, they don't care if i'm out late." she blurted out, instantly regretting what she said.

"then why do you need to get home?"

riley couldn't think of an answer. riley always made herself throw up at 10:00, and she was running late. she couldn't think of anything. but she suddenly said, "i, uh, i need to take my dog for a walk, then i need to take a shower because i smell, yeah. then i, uh, i need to get to sleep because i have to run errands with my mom tomorrow morning."

luke laughed, sort of ignoring everything she said. "why would you need to take your dog for a walk at 11:00 at night?"

all riley could do was shrug.

"well, ok." luke stood up and slipped on his worm out converse. "i'll walk you home."

"no luke. it's late, get some sleep i'll walk by myself. you don't live far from me."

"are you kidding?" luke asked. "there are bad people out there this time a night, and i don't want you walking around like that outside with me."

"you sound like my parents." riley laughed, luke laughing as well. "but if you insist on coming with me, let's go."


"yeah, there are so many bad people out here, yeah, ok." riley said, looking out at the quiet streets and houses with lights off.

luke chuckled. "shut up. i needed an excuse to spend more time with you."

riley stopped walking out side of her house, that luke seemed to be passing right by. "wait,"

luke stopped, and turned around to face her. "yeah?"

"how do i know if you still aren't like column, or adam, or matthew?"

luke laughed. "their names are calum, ashton and michael. and do you not remember my life story i told you?"

"i do, but, what if you made all that stuff up, so you could get more information about me, and go tell them to your friends?"

"riley." luke sighed. "they aren't my friends, and if i didn't change," he said taking a step closer to her. "why would i do this?"

"do w - "

luke smashed his lips into rileys without any warning. riley was shocked. she didn't know what to do. he didn't kiss back. she stood kind of, stood there, while an attractive boy kissed her.

she pushed him away.

"i don' t know if you're being truthful." she whispered, while backing up to her long driveway that lead to the mansion which she lived in.

luke just chuckled. "you know what? maybe i haven't changed." he spat.

and with that he turned away and started walking back to his house.




I myself couldn't wait to update this chapter to be honest lol so i took it off of hold.

if you are wondering why it was on hold in the first place take a look at my message board :)

soo there will probably be a few more chapters and this story will be over lol oops :P

but yeah love you all!

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