Chapter 11

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"Slender!!" (M/N) woke up with a jolt. He looked around frantically in search of the tall creature, but to no avail. He was in his room, in his bed. He looked over to his alarm clock which indicated that it was 6:30 in the morning.

(M/N) covered his face with his hands and sighed into his palms. Getting out of bed, he started to prepare for school. So it was just a dream after all..yet he still felt tired, as if all of that had happened in reality draining him of his energy.

An involuntary flinch made its way through (M/N)'s system as he slipped on his watch. He immediately threw it to the ground and stared at his wrist in disbelief. A somewhat weird looking mark was carved into his skin. It looked like a circle with a cross over it...and it wouldn't come off.

"(M/N) get down already! You're gonna be late! Again!" His mother yelled from downstairs. He wasted no time in observing the carving any further and sprinted downstairs with his bag and out the front door. He knew his mother was injured, he didn't want to burden her by asking for breakfast.

As (M/N) approached school, a familiar figure on the other side of the road caught his attention. It was non other than kitty. He imminently ran towards her and hugged her from behind. She stopped for a minute going limp. "....(M/N)....?" Her voice was raspy and her hair were a mess. (M/N) spun her around, making her face him.

A gasp escaped his lips as He analyzed her outlook. Her crystal blue eyes were swollen, her nose, cheeks and ears were shaded red, her lips were chapped and slightly dry, not to mention the painful expression she had in her eyes.

"Kitty.." (M/N) whispered out. The female's eyes grew twice their size when she realized it really was (M/N). She started to freak out. "N-no. This isn't possible y-you can't b-b-be no I s-saw you!" Her stuttering only got worse as her words trailed off. She was shaken.

(M/N)'S POV:

I don't understand, me falling off the roof was just a dream..right? So why is she so shaken up? A sudden pain shot through my head. "(M/N), don't carry this conversation on any further. Move ahead." Slender's voice rang through my head making me feel dizzy. I without thinking obeyed him and took ahold of kitty's hand, moving ahead. 

"I'm fine kitty, I think you just had a bad dream." She only nodded and clung to my arm tightly. She was in such a miserable state that all she could do was believe whatever I said. We entered the school gates shortly after.

"Ay pretty~" oh for fucks sake, do I really have to deal with this shit now? The group started to step forward as kitty hid behind me, her body trembling with fear.

"Come outta there~" he reached his arm behind me in attempt to pull her out.




I unconsciously grabbed ahold of his arm. "What the fuck do you think you're-" before he could even finish his mockery, I twisted it whole. He fell to the ground screaming while clutching his arm in agony.


What did I just d-do!? My eyes widened as I realized what I had just done.

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