Chapter 16

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(M/N)'s Pov:

I literally shrieked like a school girl when the tall creature suddenly threw me over his shoulder and started to carry me back to the mansion. I was too much in a shock to speak, didn't even know how to process the words properly.

The dark creature suddenly put me down against the front door and opened it for me, to which I stumbled and fell upon the door mat as the clumsy shit I am these days. He sighed and helped me up, shaking his head. "Is it just me or are you getting weak at the art of walking day by day (M/N)?" He spoke, making me blush upto my ears...God I'm embarrassed...

"Oh hey slender, (M/N) was looking for you.." Ben spoke, not once diverting his attention from the tv screen. "I know, and he almost died while he was at it too. How many times have I told you not to let him wander off like that child?" The tall creature spoke a bit sternly, making Ben a little frazzled. "I-I didn't think he was actually gonna head off-" "well he did, means you just weren't careful enough."

I cleared my throat and sighed, looking over to slender. "I'm not a baby. And if you're gonna keep me locked up in this mansion like my dad did to me at home then I'd rather be gone." And with that I headed off into my room..........

WhY tHe FUck Did I sAy ThAt-!

I crawled into bed and hugged my knees....why can't no one just trust me...? Why does everyone think I can't handle myself alone? Is it my presence...? Or do I give out that type of vibe...? My heartbeat increases at the sound of footsteps approaching my bedroom door....a slight knock was heard.

"Come in..." I spoke softly, already knowing who it was. The faceless creature slowly shut the door and made his way towards Me, sitting down at the edge of the bed. I looked away, not waiting to face him.

"(M/N)." His voice echoed, making me shudder. I didn't spare him even a single glance. "What now? You won't even look at me ?" I shook my head and continued to look away. His cold yet slim fingers grasped around my chin, making me face him. I was already on the verge of tears. "Look slender...I'm not in favour of being bound again. I've had a tough life, and just the thought of it gives me anxiety. I can bare living on the streets but I can't bare being bound's suffocating." I groaned as fresh hot tears streamed down my face.

The tall figure creeped closer, pulling me into a warm embrace. My eyes widened in shock at the sudden gesture. He ran his long and slender fingers through my hair, calming me down as I rested my head on his chest. "I know very well that you've had a rather challenging life...and that is the only reason why I want you to be safe. I'm just looking out for you...protecting you..." he suddenly pulled away and lifted my chin, making me face him, although there were no features, I sensed worry on his face.

"You have no precious you are for me. If it were merely the case of keeping you bound, trust me. I have other ways...I just don't want you getting hurt again." He sighed. I looked down...ashamed at myself. He was just looking out for me after all...

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