(Starter) Our Boy Here is A Nerd

781 1 14

Third Person POV

Saturday's were Max's calling to relaxation and peace and fucking quiet. He was chilling with Nikki, who was stuffing mud into her pockets to throw and/or eat later. "Ah, peace and relaxation from those two shitfucks." Max said, laying back on the grass.

"Yeah, I hate when they tell me to not do stuff. Like if I hear "Nikki get down from there" or "Nikki don't eat that bug" or "Nikki thats an endangered species" one more time! Ughh" she growled, clenching her fist.

Max barely listened, but groaned in annoyance when something kept poking his back, making him irritated and uncomfortable. He sat up, flicking the shades he wore up for a second. "The fuck is that?." He said, looking for whatever was poking him through his sweatshirt. He picked up a screw.

"Goddammit, why can't I relax without a screw screwing up my relaxtion." He snarled. "Ooooh pun!" Nikki laughed. Mak took a moment before flinging the screw at Nikki. "Shut your mouth." He growled. "And it wasn't an intentional pun." He said, getting up. "Speaking of screwing things up, where's Neil?" Max asked, his hands in his pocket of his sweatshirt.

Nikki shrugged, holding a handful of worms in her hand. "Beats me" she replied with a shrug. Max rubbed his chin in suspision(when you don't know how to spell). "Actually, I haven't seen him all damn day. What's that Pachycephalosaurus doing?" Max asked annoyed. "C'mon Niki, lets go find him." He grumbled, dragging the mint haired girl along.

- Back At Camp-

Neil's POV

I waited anxiously as QuarterMaster handed me a package, me smiling widely and racing the to the "Science Camp" area. I set my box down before checking to see if anyone was around. Sighing in relief, I unpackaged my things from the box. I got down and typed in a passcode to a safe hidden under a lump of grass, taking out something before placing it on the table.

I peeled off the blue cloth revealing an old looking computer. "Hello my sweet~ We finally have some alone time and it brought a few new parts to spice things up~ Don't worry, I'll be gentle~-". I was interupted by tht elfkin fuck. "Salutations Neil, wanna play a new expansion I got- No! Leave me alone!" I yelled angrily, causing Nerris to walk away sadly.

I cracked my fingers, about to start before I was interupted again. "Oh Neil, wanna play 'Mission Control' and tell me how to build my CO2 scrubbers? I broight the duct tape." Spacekid said. "You're already a waste of O2. Buzz off." I sneered, waving his foot to "shoo" Spacekid away.

I sighed in relief but then froze in anger when Nurf stepped in. "Hey, poindexter, I've got some emotional problems that I want to work out on your face!" Nurf said loudly, punching his fist into his open hand. "Nerf! Leave me alone, or so help me, I will post photoshops everywhere of you kissing guys!" I snarled angrily.

"Woah! Hey, somebody's a little tense. You might want to look into some agression therapy. Besides, maybe I already tried to explore my sexuality..you don't know." He said. "Chris, why did you leave me?" He said with teary eyes and a sniffle as he walked away.

I sighed in relief. "Finally.." I said, and I got straight to work.

-After a looooonnnggggg while-

I soon was finished, just one more thing. "Aaaand done! Ah, once again logic and proper algorithm design win over chaos and ignorance." I said proudly, pressing the enter key as the computer beeped and made proccessing sounds before there was a black screen with 'Neil Rocks' floating around.

"Perfect. Ah I think Im ready to face the world again. The question is...is the world ready for- Hi Neil!" Nikki chimmed, making me yell and fall off my chair. "What the fuck where you doing for the past four hours Neil?" Max asked, honestly sounding like he didn't give a single shit.

"Oh, uh, ya know, coding." I said, twiddling my fingers. "Woah, Neil, did you finally fix that hunk of junk computer?" Max asked, now interested. Nikki jumped up amd down. "Yayyyy now we can play games-look at boobs!" Her and Max yelled. Me and Nikki looked at him. "I mean play games..". "No you neanderthals it's for me!" I yelled.

Max patted her shoulder. "Nikki, I know this gonna be hard to believe, but our boy here is a nerd." Max said.

"The hell I am!"


This a mix of season 2 ep 2 and episode 9

Anti-Social Network

Eggs Benefits

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