(❗REQUEST❗) Max x David --- Hugs and Bears

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⚠Maxvid Bro⚠

Today was the day, the day Max finally got David to snap. It was parents day and Max kept pushing David. And the fact that Mr. Campbell was depending on him for mainly everything didn't help at all either. All the stress was keeping David from thinking clearly. Went the show came on later that night, David was just about to blow.

After that whole catastrophe involving Neil's dad and Nikki's mom, it took a while for everyone to recover  and gave Max, Gwen, and David a small amount of time before they were on. "Davey!" Mr. Campbell yelled loudly, David rushing over with the Camp Campbell salute. "Yes, sir?" David asked. "This is our last chance... You, the girl, and that boy on stage, now! Im counting on you." He said, pointing down to emphasize that he meant it.

David stuttered over his words, trying to find something to say. "But we don't-Um- I have the utmost faith in you!" Mr. Campbell interupted, shoving David slightly. David stumbled a little but regained balanced. Mr. Campbell brought out his phone. "Ricardo, I need that chopper ready if this thing goes south.  What do you mean "más dinero?" He said, walking away.

As David watched helplessly(I believe thats how you spell it) as he left, Gwen approaching him. "David? I found Max's papers.." she said quietly, holding up a folder with Max's info. Max walked up too them, wanting to leave and just go back to his tent. David had a hopeful smile. "Great! We can do this!" He cheered. "I don't WANT to do this!" Max yelled, throwimg his hands in the air.

David turned to Max. "Max, that is it!" David yelled at the 10 year old, getting closer. "I am fed up with your bad attitude! Why do you always have to bring everyone else down instead trying just a little bit to have fun?" David scolded, getting close and personal. Max just looked away with only his eyes, his head staying in the same position. "David-" Gwen started holding up the folder. David snatched it away, interupting her. Now, let's all put a happy face, go out there and show everyone just how great you are at- um..w-wait.." David stopped, opening the file to reveal Max's enrollment form for the camp. The only things that were filled out was Max's name and age..the activity left blank.

David looked at the page, soaking up what he just did. "I told you, they didn't care..". David moved the form to look at Max, who had tears in his eyes. He wipped his tear on his shoulder, standing there before running away. Gwen put a hand on David's shoulder. "Max I..I didn't know.." he whispered to himself.

"And now for our final and MOST IMPORTANT performance!" Mr. Campbell said, looking back at David. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, give it up for Davey, Gladys, aaaaand.. what the what? Oh don't tell me I lost another kid!" He said, slapping his forehead. Erid's parents stood up as the other parents gasped. The form layed on the ground. "Okay, that might sound incriminating buuut-" Mr. Campbell made a dash to get away.

David's POV

I feel horrible..I never should have done that to him..if only I listened and didn't push him..
I sighed deeply. "David..go get Max.." Gwen said. I look at her. "But..he's definately not going to do anything with me cause of what I did..". Gwen put a hand on her hip. "David, I'll take care of things here, just go get that little shit.." She said with a small smile. I smiled back, hugging her before running off to find Max.


After a long while, I eventually heard crying. I knew it was Max so I followed the cries. I eventually saw Max sitting on a low branchh, sniffling into his hoodie sleeves. I sat next to him. "Max..?" I softly called, putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. Max flinched, pulling away. "G-go away y-you fucking m-moron.." Max stuttered, trying to act like he wasn't crying.

"Max..Im so sorry for yelling at you back there..I should've listened to you and asked what you had wanted..all because I was trying to save a stupid show.." I said sadly. Max looked away. "I don't fucking c-care David..go away." He said, wiping his eyes. "Listen...Max...Im willing to hear what you have to say..Im willing to listen to you for once..and Im not gonna leave till you tell me whats wrong..." I said confidently.

Max sniffled. "....". He didn't respond for a while. "Here Max..." I said, handing him Mr. Honeynuts. Max snatched the bear from me, holding him close. "W-why do you f-fucking have him..?" Max said, nuzzling the bear. "I always keep it around just incase you need him.." I say softly. Max looks at me from behind the bears head. "...thanks I guess..." he says quietly.

-After a loooong talk-

Third Person POV

David talked with Max, letting Max tell him everything. David smiled. "Feel better now Max...?" He asked softly. Max didn't say anything, just hugged David. David smiled, holding Max as they both stayed there for a little longer. "Thank you.." Max mumbled. David smiled, ruffling Max's hair. "You're welcome Max.."


A little bit of season 2 ep 12

Parent's Day

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