(❗REQUEST❗) Gwen x David --- You Little Shit!

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Third Person POV

Gwen and David had been wondering where all the campers had been all day. It's weird cause even since they woke up, no camper was in sight, not even the little shit you call Max. "Welp, at least they're ALL gone." Gwen said, swallowing one of her anxiety pills. David had been trying to look for everyone, it feeling like a ghost town.

"For fucks sake David, they probably all got eaten by bears or Nikki, lets just leave it at that." She said, boredom writen all over her face. David made a small sound of worriedness (roast my english). "But Gwen, we HAVE to keep looking for them! I can't sleep knowing I lost 10 kids!" David yelled frantically. Gwen sighed. "David, they have to come back one way or another, we have all their shit." Gwen stated.

David sighed. "But Gwen- Get your hocus pocus bullshit out of my face Harrison!" A voice yelled, sounding muffled. David and Gwen's eyes and heads perked up at the sound. "Neil?" David questioned, heading towards all the yelling. Gwen followed, wanting to go back to their cabin and waste her life on time-traveling doctors with british babies.

Gwen and David both walked up to the QuarterMaster's area, the shouting coming from in there. David put on a what-was-supposed-to-be-a-stern-look and did that thing where he pulls his pants higher and hilariously marches over to the door. He kicks it open with a small "Owie" following behind as Gwen peeked over his shoulders.

All the campers had completely destroyed the room, everything all busted or thrown carelessly to the crusty dusty musty busty rusty ass looking floor. Spacekid walked past the two counslers(roast my english), that smile on his face. "We're wrecking the QuarterMaster's room. Don't tell David or Gwen." He said, walking by. Gwen glared at Max, shouying over all the commotion. "ALRIGHT. EVERYONE OUT. NOW!" She yelled, causing all the campersto turn towards the two adults.

Max had that little smirk that just made you want to choke the shit out of him(he's my baby). "Well well well, David and Gwen. Im sure QM's not gonna be happy to hear you let all 10 campers ruin his only solitude from the fucked up world we're in and didn't try to stop use. Oh how tragic." Max grinned evily. Gwen's face went from angry to that devilish calm. "Oh really Max, and how do you know that this isn't going to backfire?" She asked. Max shrugged. "I always get away with shit like this so this won't be hard." He said in his monotone voice.

Gwen smirked, her hand behind her back. "Ha! You just incriminated yourself you little shit!" Gwen cheered, having Max's "plan" all voice recorded. All the campers gasped and looked at Max, who had a mad surprised look. "What the fuck?" He said.

All the kids exited the room and went back to doing their daily weird thing, pretty pissed off that Gwen got away with what she did. Gwen pulled David away to have a chat with him, slowly calming her inner satan. "David, we gotta talk about those damn urchines you call children. They've gotten away with so much shit and they're ruining our lives. We gotta discuss on how we're gonna take care of those shits." Gwen said.

David looked away, thinking. "Gosh darnit, you're right Gwen!" David said. "From now on, I'LL make SURE  they get no second servings of QuarterMaster's mashed potato's!" David stated, determined. Gwen sighed. "Dammit David.." She said, having absolutely NO faith in the red-head. "If anything that'd be an upgrade for them." She said.

While David and Gwen kept talking, Max had already planned out how they were gonna get the stupid kid AND Gwen back for ruining their fun. "Alright, everyone remember their part?" Max said in the group puddle. "I tell Gwen and David that I got Harrison stuck in ice while you make the honeybee trap." Nerris said with her lisp. "And I make sure to let you know when they're in the big X, and thats where you strike with the bee's." Nurf said.

"Right. And since the rest of you are pretty useless, you'll pretend to be doing your thing but also give Nurf signals just incase something else happens." Max said. "Alright, let's get this hilarious train-wreck going people." Max said, clapping his hands as the group circle dispanded(is it dispanded or disbanded?).

Gwen was at the desk in tye cabin reading trashy magazines as David was doing David-ly things. Nerris busted through the door. "Gwen, David!" She shouted to make it seem like something big happened. Both counselors' heads turned to the elf-kin girl. "Oh my gosh Nerris! What happened!" David asked eagerly. Gwen stood up and walked over with David.

"Oh, nothing important, I just froze Harrison again and need the hammer." Nerris said. Gwen sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "For fucks sake- Oh golly!" David said over her, grabbing the hammer and tools before racing out to the main area where everyone was at. Gwen followed, just about as dead on the outside as she was inside.

Max was a little bit away's from everyone, having the sweet release of revenge in his hands as he waited for Nurf's signal. Harrison was frozen form the neck down. "Oh, hey guys. Um, how's it going?" Harrison awkwardly said. Gwen groaned. "Why the hell are you frozen again kid?" She asked, not really caring. "Um, I was trying out another trick and um..well..ya know..." Harrison laughed nervously.

Gwen sighed, grabbing the tools before working to free the magic kid. Nurf had gotten Max's attention before giving the signal. Gwen stood up and walked over to David who had called her over. Max chucked the nest at the two, a swarm of bee's flying towards them as they yelled and ran for their lived. Max's recorded it all on David's phone as he and the campers started dying from laughter.

"FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK MAX! YOU LITTLE SHIT!" Gwen screamed, tripping over the damn "mascot" on her back. David tripped as well, making a small "oof" sound as he fell right on top of his CBFL, their lips brushing against eachother. The two shot up, flushed because of 1. Running 2. And whatever the fuck THAT was.

Gwen turned to all the campers, her inner satan showing. "Oh shit!" Max laughed, him and the other campers booking it for their young dumb lives. Max saved the video, uploading it to wherever he could before hiding the phone. This was the best prank yet, to Max that is. "Finally, one of my greatest works of all time." He smirked.

David and Gwen felt awkward around eachother for a little while but eventually ended up accepting that feelings were grown for their bestfriend. David's cheesy ass gave Gwen a nice, sweet compliment and a small hand kiss, resulting in their first date being on the Saturday on a small canoe ride over the lake while making fun of the woodscouts.

The two lived happy love lives together, Gwen still wanting to choke out Max.


That took all my energy

Little tiny pieces from episodes.

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