Nerris x Nikki --- My Knight With Pigtails!

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Nikki's POV

As usual, Im digging through dirt and keeping any worms I find in my pockets for later to eat. Survival of the extreme's man. Max and Neil went off somewhere, but I dunno where, I was too busy looking for the creatures under the dirt.

Nerris came up to me with her cape faintly swaying from the wind. She strike's up a conversation with me as I wipe the ants off my arms and legs. "Salutations Nikki, wanna play pretend with me since no one else will?" She asked with her lisp. I thought for a moment before springing to my feet.

"Sure! It's not like I have anything better to do anyway!" I smiled at her. Nerris smiled back. "We could do a roleplay of the old medival times?" Nerris suggested. "Ooh I call being a knight. Nik the Brave!" I stated proudly. Nerris let out a small giggle. "Then it's settled, I shall be your princess and we go on quests together to defeat the evil villians that come our way. To save the world!" Nerris cheered as I jumped up and clapped.

Third Person POV

"So, how should we start?" Nerris asked. Nikki thought again. "Ooh ooh, we're on a quest to defeat a fire breathing dragon to get the magical orb of spells!" Nikki exclaimed. Nerris and her jumped and gave a high-five for being so creative. "Alright, first quest is to save the princess from the ugly dwarf reject!" She said, pointing at Harrison. Harrison overheard. "Awe, yeah, that one hurt.." he said sadly.

Nikki saluted. "Yes ma'am!". Nerris was up in her castle as she held Mr. Waffles. "My knight in shining mud, thy shall come to my rescue as we search the world for monsters to battle and lives to save!" Nerris said dramatically. Nikki held a long stick as a weapon, claiming it her "sword of death". Nerris set up her stuffed animals as Boss(es)' and monsters to fight along the way.

Nikki got stopped by the evil Dr. Waffles, the boss to get to the princess. She held uo her sword. "With the power of strength and willpower, I banish you to another realm foul beast!" Nikki exclaimed, smacking the frog as it went flying. "The final boss has been defeated. Onward to victory!" Nikki put a fist in the air.

Nikki hit the rest of them off with the stick as she determinedly made it to Nerris. "Come princess, for we have to be the one's to honor those who've fallen before us as we carry out our quest findings and missions!" Nikki said, picking up Nerris before swinging on a long rope back down to the ground as she set Nerris to her feet. "My humble princess, hereith your sword you will use as we battle enemies and continue our quest to get rid of the dark forces on this planet!" She said, handing Nerris a "sword".

Nerris smiled, taking it with honor as she placed a light kiss on her knight's cheek. "My knight with pigtails!" She smiled. Nikki snorted and laughed, the two playing until David interupted with lunch being served.


Little bits and pieces from s2 ep3

Quest to Sleepy Peak Peak

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