Neil x Harrison --- The Magic of Young Love!

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Don't know what went wrong
Third Person POV

Harrison a.k.a "Magic Kid #1" at Camp Campbell had been wooing everyone all day with his tricks. Nikki had been up on the poorly made stage with him as he performed tricks on the girl. The small audience clapped and cheered as he did more magic tricks.

Max and Neil strolled up to the smalk crowd. "Spacekid, what's going on?" Max asked. "Harrison is doing magic! He's incredible." Spacekid said. "Pshh, Magic? C'mon Spacekid I expected better from you." Neil started. "There's no such thing as magic." He said, causing everyone to turn to him.

Nikki pointed at the nerd. "Don't you say that Neil, just because you don't believe!-" Nikki started, Harrison interupting. "It's okay Nikki, Neil just doesn't his mind freaked by my powers~" Harrison teased, looking at Neil.

Neil rolled his eyes. "Sure Harrison that's it, it's certainly not because I believe in the fundemental laws of everything in existence which goes against the slightest chance even being possible." Neil said, crossing his arms as he shot looks towards Harrison.

"Then how do you explain this?" Harrison questioned, pulling a quarter from behind Nikki's ear. Nikki tugged on both of her ears, gasping in excitement. "I have money ears!" She said happily. Neil easily had the answer.

"Slide of hand. The quarter is up your sleeve and the movement of your hand covers up at quarter coming out." He said, doing the movements as the campers gasped and looked at Harrison.

Harrison looked unamused. "I guess that's one way to do it. But that certainly doesn't answer how these rings link together so effortlessly!" He smiled, linking four seperate big rings together to form one whole link. The campers cheered once more as Nikki spoke up again. "Yeah Neil, explain that!".

Neil rolled his eyes. "Trick rings sold specifically for the purpose of that illusion. They're on Amazon for $12.95. Get wrecked Harrison, why don't you do a real magic trick if you're so good." He challenged. Harrison had a determined look. "So, you want a real trick? Okay then Neil. I'll perform the greatest trick of all. How about this, abra-ca-dabra~" he said, waving his fingers.

Nikki looked around anxiously, but nothing seemed to have happened. Seemed.

"A-mazing Harrison." Neil said sarcastically. Max got his attention. "Come on Neil let's-!" Max stopped in the middle of his sentence, making sounds of pain as he clutched his stomach. Neil looked at him worriedly. "Max? Are you okay..?" He asked, reaching out. Max gagged before vomiting a rope of rainbow colored cloth's tied to eachother, throwing up a real/fake looking bunny rabbit as he stopped before throwing up the rest of the cloth's with a hook, and some purple thing.

He gasped and caught his breath as he looked at Harrison. "What did you do to me?!" He yelled. Nikki grinned. "Ohhh, you just got abra-ca-OWNED Max!" She laughed. Erid looked at Max a little weirded out as Neil looked at Harrison with a look of crazy disbelief. "Yes, and it would've been even better if it had happened to Neil as I intended. But you get the idea, magic!" Harrison stated smugly.

Beil looked at Harrison mortified as Max looked at him too. "I do NOT feel okay." He said sickly freaked out. Neil's eye twitched before he shook his head, anappimg out of the trance he was in. "Whatever, it wasn't THAT cool." Neil said. Harrison popped up next to him, making Neil jump slightly. "What's wrong Neil, did I freak your mind?" Harrison teased.

Neil rolled his eyes again. "Please, that was lame, so I don't know how you did it, big deal." Neil commented. "It's not like Im gonna loose sleep over it." He said.

-Timeskip to nighttime-

All the campers slept peacefully as one camper layed awake, his eyes wide. "Shit.." Neil said.

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