(❗REQUEST❗) Nikki x Neil --- It Looks Like You!

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(Gonna put music to listen to just cause)

Third Person POV

The day was normal, Max fucking over David and Gwen, Harrison and Nerris dueling, Nurf bullying Preston, Erid and Dolph hanging out, and Spacekid talking about fucking space again.

Nikki was with Neil, walking through the woods as the two looked about the tree's and little bugs flying everywhere. "Nikki there are so mamy disease's out here, can't we just go back to the camp?" Neil pleaded boredly. Nikki was jumping from tree to tree, twings and leaves in her mint hair. "No way Neil! You promised to help me find a monster!" She said, that crazy adventure look in her eye.

Neil sighed dramatically. "I hope you know I only agreed because whats actually weird is when we DON'T see a wild animal who attacks David or someone at camp. And the only other monsters we could come across are those kinky old people who have sex in costumes with viagra pills and hard plastic penis's in the shape of animal genitals " He pointed out. "Besides, we've been out here for a while and it's gonna be dark in a few hours." Neil said blandly.

Nikki hopped down on all fours like a damn animal, stopping Neil. "Well yeah but wouldn't it be cool if we found a skeleton or wild fusion creature!?" She squealed, getting in Neil's face. "I guess, but our chances are as slim as Max's eyebrows." Neil said. Nikki choked on a laugh. "Pffft, poor Max.." she laughed, high-fiving Neil.

They continued their walk for nothing as Nikki heard something in the bushes and stopped Neil dramatically. "It's probably an evil creature that's come for our flesh and bones.." she said, narrowing her eyes at a certain bush. She crawled on the floor towards the bush, barking at it. She tackled whatever it was seconds later. "HI-YA!" She said, capturing it in her hands.

Neil went to her. "Well, what kind of fucked up mutant is it?" He questioned. Nikki held it up, a small scratch on her cheek. It was a cute small lizard who looked up at Neil with wonder. Neil looked backed, raising a brow. "Well, might as well chuck that thing bacl to his home." Neil said, turning to leave. "N E I L" Nikki yelled, making Neil jumped and yelp.

He turned to her. "What Nikki?" He said, irritated. "It looks like you!" She smiled. Neil's facr dropped to pure confusion. "No, Nikki, a damn lizard doesn't look like me." He said, turning back again.

Nikki put the small creature on her head, watching as it stayed, blinking. Neil got a little creeped out. "It DOES look like you!" She said. "He's small, fragile, and only trusts those who won't abandon him!" Nikkin stated. "That sounds a lot more like Max then it does me Nikki." He said, seeing the stupid flag pole a little bit aways.

Nikki stopped them again. "Hold him!" She said, placing it in Neil's hand. Neil was .2 seconds away from chucking the damn thing before he looked at its big eyes. Neil looked into them as he DID see himself through the lizard. Nikki smiled, knowing Neil was getting it.

Neil pet it's head, surprised when it didn't bite the skin off his finger. Imstead, it crawled up Neil's arm and rested on his shoulder. Neil smiled softly at it before walking back to camp with Nikki. Sure therr weren't any wild findings for the two, but nontheless, it was still a quite enjoyable day for the nerd and animal.

Once back to camp, they saw David and Gwen tied to a lamp post and Max trowing stuff at them, the camp basically on fire. "Well shit." Neil said.

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