Max x Preston --- Your Play Sucks Preston

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Third Person POV

Preston was running around all over, making sure all the things for the Play he was hosting later tonight was perfect. He was doing a Play about Romeo and Juliet's love being resurrected or something like that. He got Neil as robo-Romeo, Nikki as Juilet, Dolph as the doctor guy, Max as some wizard, the platypus as some other lady thing and Spacekid and Nurf to do the sound effects and curtains transitions.

After prepairing, David came up on stage. "Okay campers, quiet doen everyone-" he tried to speak, the kids talking in the audience. "Um-the theater requires your utmost-SHUT YOUR YAPS!" Gwen yelled through a megaphone. The campers and Quartermaster looked up on stage with boredom, or whatever you call  Quartermaster's boredom face.

David jumped a little, but thanked Gwen. "DON'T MENTION IT!" She said again through the loud voice thing. David nervously laughed as Gwen left. "Anywho, tonight we have a very special performance by no other than, Preston Goodplay! David said. Yawns came from the audience as David smiled awkwardly. "Rrrrright, anyway, our stage crew asks of you to be respectful for the show. And now, I give you, Preston Goodplay!" David said, walking out of the way as Preston walked out, basking in all his mighty glory.

"Good evening fellow campers, it is with GREAT pleasure that I introduce you to tonight's production. Writen by me, with some fellow actors. A continuation of the tragic love tale with emotion, despair, joy, betrayal between Romeo and Juliet, ressurected love. And now, I give you, Romeo and Juliet II, Love Ressurected!.." Preston bowed, leaving everyone's eyesight behind the curtains as they opened, the play beginning.

Max pulled at the fake beard he had on, wincing and hating the itch it brought him. "This is fucking embarrasing." He said coldly. Neil sighed. "I don't wanna do this, my blood pressure is through the roof. I'm gonna have a panic attack soon." He said nervously. Max grinned evily. "Still nervous about your big kissing scene~?" He teased, making kissy sounds as Neil paled. "Oh god, don't remind me.".

Nikki pulled at the "dress" she wore over her normal clothing, not liking the character she was playing. "Man, I hate being Juliet. I wanna be someone cool, like Zina, or Fran-bow!" She said. Neil wiped the Niagra Falls sweat off his forehead. "Im freaking out already.." he said, walking off to find something to drink, or kill himself with. Nikki did some karate chops and kicks. "Ya know, Juliet should've done karate instead of kissing boys, hi-ya!, maybe she wouldn't have died then." She said.

Max was scrolling through David's stolen phone, smirking. Neil came back .2% less sweaty, a half empty glass of water in his hands. David and Gwen walked by, Max hidding the phone in his pocket. "Has anyone seen my phone? Gosh, I must have dropped it while doing my smiling excersizes(how the hell do you spell that. Just kidding I don't really care.)." David said. Gwen rolled her eyes. "David, just, don't admit to that.." she said in her usual monotone voice.

Max pulled it back out when they were gone, laughing evily to himself. Neil choked on his sip. "Is that David's phone?" Nikki asked, leaning over Max's shoulder. Max shushed her. "Quiet. David can't know." He said, scrolling through David's personal info. Max almost died when he saw Tinder. "Oh my fuck he has a tinder account." Max said. Nikki raised a brow. "Huh, what's that?" She asked. "Oh, it's this app for losers who are to chicken to go out and meet real people." He stated, looking through David's messages, album, or whatever seemed interesting. "Wizard, you're up in 3!" Preston startled the three.

Max rolled his eyes and looked at the taller kid. "Yeah yeah, I know, buzz off." He snarled. Preston rolled his eyes, walking away. "Christ he's so annoying.." Max snarled, his cheeks faintly red. Nikki noticed. "Then why's your face red?" She asked "innocently". Max looked at her. "What, my face isn't red Nikki. And even if it was it's because of the shitty heat." He said, trying to cover it up.

Nikki nudged his shoulder. "Rrrrrrrighttttt~" she said, winking. Max tugged her hair. "Shut it before I do it myself." He muttered. Neil took shaky breath's when he was called on stage. "Wish me luck.."Neil said as he left. Max laughed at David's photo's and bio.

"Wizard! You're up!" Preston yelled. Max rolled his eyes, putting the phone in his pocket as he heard Spacekid say something about black magic, throwing a small smoke thing as Max walked out. "Yo, did someone say black magic?" He asked. Preston slapped his forehead from backstage. "Ugh."

-Small Timeskip-

After taking Neil and Tabii away off stage after some.."incidents", Max and Preston were the only two on the stage. Preston was going off on Max for ruining everything while Max. "You ruined my big play! Do you even realize how hard it is to get these stupid campers to be in the shows!?" Preston fumed. Max snorted and rolled his eyes. "Don't get so pissy. Of course I ruined it. You're play sucks Preston." Max said.

Preston let out a huff of anger. "Well I hope you're happy with yourself.." he said sadly, turning and walking away. Max rolled his eyes, walking past Preston, but setting a small kiss on the boy's cheek. "Whatever, see you around Juliet." Max said, heading back to his tent. Preston held a hand on his cheek, blushing with a tsudere face as he went back to his tent, writing cheesy plays about Max and him.


Little bits and pieces from s2 (I believe) ep7 (I believe)

Romeo and Juliet II: Love Resurrected(Ressurected)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2018 ⏰

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