ch 5 (mostly edited)

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Lockwood's pov

"So he is your brother?" Holly asked.

"He's my twin actually."

"You never said anything about having a twin." George commented.

"I didn't know, he only lived a few weeks and there are no pictures of either of us when we were that little." 

"Why not?" Mom asked.

"She had two kids just weeks old and Mary was about a year and two months old I guess."

"Wait-" George started.

"Guys leave her alone, she literally just found out." I said noticing that she was starting to get overwhelmed.

"So Michel, we now know why you can't remember much."

"Yeah, apparently I didn't live long. How am I here now?" George gave the explanation again. He looked really confused at the end of it.

"Here just come upstairs with me and I'll explain it in a more normal way and tell you what you wanna know about our family." Lucy said to Michel.

"Yeah I'd like that." The pair walked away.

"Today has been chaos." I say sitting down.

"Anthony you are way to stressed sweetheart." 

"Well this is kind of worse then normal, when it comes to stress, mom."

"Still though, running a company is a lot for a teenager." Deep breaths, you can not go off on your mom, you can not I told myself. She didn't know how things were here.

"Actually we've done pretty well, a few mistakes, but mostly good. I mean, I got Quill to quit Fitts and come help us out."

"But he's lost his sight by now, how can he be of any use?"

"I've got a set of goggles made by the Orpheus society that let me see them again." 

"They're still a thing? Good! We were trying to join them." Dad said.

"No!" Quill and I both yelled.

"Boys! What has gotten into you?!?!"

"They killed you! That's what." I said.


"He's not wrong Mr. Lockwood. They knew you were onto a solution to the Problem, and sense they were part of the reason they sent that truck to hit you."

"Really Quill, you're part of it too?"

"Dad, when has he ever lied to you, or either of them at that? I get that you guys weren't around much when Anthony was little-even before you were killed- but you did know Quill, and he never lied, especially to you." Jess seemed thoroughly mad that our dad didn't believe me.

"Jessie calm down-"

"No mom, I will not 'calm down'. I practically raised Tony, I know that he wouldn't just make this up. I get that you were dead for most of it, but he was 4 when it happened, and you were rarely there before the accident, you guys weren't here for either of us." By this point she was in tears Quill tried to calm her down, but she ran upstairs- probably to her room.

"I'll go take care of her." Quill said before running after her. 

"Anthony, you get why we were never here right, sweetheart?" Mom said.

"Honestly mom? No, I don't get why you guys couldn't take a few years off to raise your family." I took my turn and went up to my old room. 

"Woah, what's wrong?" Lucy said when I just barged into what's now her room and fell on her bed.

"Does this normally happen?" Oh I forgot about Michel.

"No, but neither does our dead family members showing up." I felt her hand run through my hair. "What happened?" She asked me in a calmer sweeter tone.

"Jess made the point that are parents were never around even before the accident, then she stormed off in tears, and then mom askes me if I understand why they were never home. I told her 'no' and that I didn't get why they couldn't take a few years off and raise us." 

"But how did you end up up here." 

"I just couldn't help but feel like I couldn't even be around them, and I guess that since they're my parents I went into the room that was mine last time I saw them." I heard her sigh, and felt the bed go down a little when she sat down then moved my head into her lap.

"You know you need to go down there." She playing with my hair.

"I know, but... I think I just need to give it a few minutes, let things cool off first."

"Ok, that sound like a good idea." She picked back up on her conversation with her new(?) brother, while playing with my hair. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Anthony, open the door." I heard my mom say.

"Babe!?! You locked my door!?!"

"Force of habit."

"Michel, can you get that?" I heard the door creek when it opened, but never picked up my head.

"Anthony sweetheart, I know your mad but come on, you can't just hide up here."

"Yes I can."

"What? I can't understand you, at least move your head so your face isn't buried in her legs." I turned my head to the wall.

"I get that you wanted to keep researching, but you had two little kids. Even before you got killed your kids wanted their parents, not their nanny."

"I know Anthony, we were going to be around a lot more after we got excepted into the Orpheus Society." I felt my head be lifted off of Lucy and onto her lap. "I think I speak for your father too when I say: I'm so sorry Anthony, I really am, if I had know what was going to happen I would have never done it, but I didn't know."

"You have no idea how much it effected me though. Especially when I found Jess swollen, blue, and dead because she was going through your stuff." I started to cry when I brought up Jessica's death.

"I know sweetheart, but think about it... if that had never happened you wouldn't have this company, you probably would have gotten a job at Fitts with Jess and Quill, probably wouldn't have met your girlfriend, wouldn't have met Holly or George."

"Maybe you're right. But it still hurts."

"I know it does, but things are better now, you have all your friends and family."

"I love you mom."

"I love you too Anthony."

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