ch 6 (mostly edited)

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3rd pov

While Anthony was talking things out with his mom, Jessica was in a similar situation with her dad. She was laying on her bed with Quill as he tried to calm her, when her dad came in. "Jessie, I know you're upset, but you need to understand that if we had know what would happen, we wouldn't have done it." He said walking to the side of the bed that Quill wasn't blocking.

"You guys don't know how hard it was for me, the nanny stuck around for a while, but once I got a good idea of what I was doing, she left because we couldn't pay her enough."

"I'm so sorry Jessie, I know it was h-"

"That's just the thing dad, you don't know it was hard because you weren't there for what you could have been for when he was little. Even when I was little you weren't around!"

"Sweetheart I get it, but we wanted you to have a stable home, and not be always moving around."

"And Tony and I wanted stable parents, no matter where we were."

"I know, we missed you guys too, but we needed to finish our research and then we were going to be home, we actually died on our way to show our findings. We were planning on being home with our family, but it just didn't happen like that." She sighed finally facing him.

"Why couldn't you have waited a few years just 'till we were older? You were here at the very end of mom's pregnancy and only a few months after Tony was born."

"We thought that if we were gone while you were still really young, we wouldn't miss to many of the other big mile stones."

"Like Tony talking, or walking? Because I taught him both before you were dead."

"Ok why do you call him that instead of Anthony?"

"Because you guys always called him Anthony. He started to cry every time we used his real name because he knew that's what you guys used, and he wanted his parents." 

"Ok, Jessie I get it. So when did this happen?" He said gesturing it Quill who still had an arm around her waist. "I know you two were friends, and worked together, but you were like 9 then."

"Really you're changing the subject?" Quill asked.

"Yes, I've said all that can be about what happened, now will you please answer my question."
"As you know, Jess and I were on the same team at Fitts. The night of your accident they sent us over to break the news to her, because we already knew her. Once it was said, I was the only one she would let help calm her, we were always close, but after that night we were closer. After she had to quit so she could take care of her brother, I still stopped by when I could, I eventually asked her out and then we basically became Tony's new parents."

"So you basically started dating my daughter then helped her raise my son."

"Yeah pretty much. But once Jess died I kinda blamed him, and I tried to just forget about actually liking the guy. And tried to hate the kid."

"Really?" Jessica asked him.

"Yeah, it didn't work very well though, I just had to try to be an absolute arrogant jerk."


"Yeah, I still called him 'Tony' and he absolutely hated it."

"Why?" Donald asked.

"The same reason we started calling him 'Tony' it made him feel bad. He felt responsible for Jess' death, and using it reminded him of her and pf what happened."

"My poor little brother... why did be feel responsible?"

"Something about you asking him if he wanted to help, him saying no, and then going to play. Then later hearing you scream, so he ran up and found you, but it was to late by the time medics got here. Hell, it was to late by the time he got there, they said it went strait for your heart." He got quieter as the story went on, it had been a while since he thought of that night in so much detail.

"Oh, Quill..." That was all Jessica could say wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. He responded by holding her waist and placing his head in her breasts, comforted by the sound of her heart beating. Mr. Lockwood left the room knowing it was going to get real emotional again. He headed down stairs to get something to drink, he found Lucy and her brother sitting the living room.

"I think that you should go home, and see where you were supposed to grow up. Meet the wrest of our crazy family, I can guarantee that you won't get along with some of them, and probably not our own mother. But you need to part of the family, your not just my brother, you have 6 other sisters."

"You don't want me around?"

"Of course I want you around, but we don't even have space for the people that are here now, and I can't keep you to myself and-like me- some of our sisters don't even know you were ever alive."

"If you're sure."

"I'm positive, it's not like you need to leave immediately, but you do need to be with them."
"Well if our dad was just taken off to jail, then at least some of them will have to come here, or we'll have to go there."


Lucy had made a good point nobody had thought about where everybody would sleep. Celia and Donald expected to get their room back, and Jessica would get hers back to. But then Anthony didn't have a room. There was no was that Lucy could back to her family, and George's family lived on the other side of London. The only possible way for everyone to have a room was for Jessica to move in with Quill. But even though they're both in their twenties, there was no way that her parents would be cool with that.

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