
"But I got you the spiciest ramen they had."

"Challenge accepted," I say. You see, I like spicy food. I look at Daehyun and he smiles at me, knowing full well I'm going to finish the ramen without any water. Misun prepares my ramen for me and hands me chopsticks and a water bottle. 

I shake my head at the water and sit down on the floor. Everyone watches me, only the oldest--Seokjin, I think his name was--eating. Misun takes her place next to Jimin (?) and Taehyung (?) and I just focus on eating.

After a few minutes I start getting uncomfortable with all of them watching me and it probably shows on my face.

"Yah! Why are you all watching her eat, you weirdos?" Seokjin scolds and they all look at their own meals. I smile slightly and he smiles back in the middle of taking a bite. 

When I finish I stand up and go to the trashcan to throw my plastic bowl away. I can tell some of them seem impressed, but the majority are just eating. When everyone finishes, they all lay down, using each other as pillows. 

Soyoung takes all their trash to throw it away for them while Misun goes to the speaker and turns on music. Immediately a really catchy song starts playing and she starts dancing in the middle of the room. Soyoung runs up and joins her when what sounds like the chorus starts.

The boys all sit up and watch, cheering them on and singing along with the song. Pretty quickly I realize the song is one of theirs. Hoseok stands up and joins them in dancing with just the biggest smile on his face, everyone laughing the whole time. He's honestly a really good dancer. 

When the song finishes I clap for them and Misun and Soyoung drop next to me and sit on the floor. I have Misun tell me who everyone is one more time to make sure I know all their names. Jimin and Jungkook stand up and go over to Hoseok, asking him to do play a specific song. 

The three of them go to the middle of the room and start dancing to the song. The rest of the boys stand up and Taehyung changes the song to another one they all know. After all, they probably did come here to practice for a little while. 

"What song is this?" I whisper to Soyoung, not letting my eyes leave them the whole time. 

"Blood Sweat and Tears," she answers. I nod and watch them all dance and lip sync the words. The song is really good and they're amazing at dancing. I watch them closely the whole time and I see that they almost never falter. 

By the time they're done, they're breathing heavily, but still smiling just as wide as before. I start clapping immediately when the music stops and they all laugh at me. Jungkook walks up to Misun and pulls her up to stand up and she barely reaches her feet before he pulls her into him for a sweaty hug. 

"Aish!" she whines, trying to push Jungkook away from her. He laughs and lets go while she's pushing away, almost making her fall to the floor. Taehyung walks over and plops down next to me.

"Hey Jinae~" he says, taking a sip of water.

"Yes?" I respond, turning to face him with a smile. 

He gives me an adorable square smile before asking me, "How old are you?" Everybody seems to hear and they all go silent and turn to face me. I try to keep my eyes trained on Taehyung as to not freak out from all the attention.

I clear my throat a bit and then say, "I'm, um, nineteen." Everybody nods and continues with what they were doing before. I didn't think it would be that big of a deal, so I'm glad they don't want to dwell on it too much.

"College soon?" he asks next and I nod. We keep talking for a while before everyone comes and sits down with us. Everyone gathers in a circle and Misun scoots to the side to let me share her mat with her. 

Just then, I suddenly decide to shout, "Let's play a game!" I say it before I can stop myself and everybody perks up at the mention of a game. They start to talk about a game and I notice Soyoung and Jungkook sitting together. She's leaning into his side and he has his arm around her. They're holding hands and they look so peaceful. They look so happy just being next to each other. I hope to one day have a relationship where I can just be happy being near the person I'm with. That's the kind of relationship I don't ever think I will have, but a girl can definitely dream...

"What kind of game?" Jimin asks, his voice almost being drowned out from the deeper voices talking over him. 

"Um," I say, sorting through all the games I know in my head. "What about a 'let's get to know each other' type game? You know, since we just met and everything?" Everyone quiets and looks at me, almost immediately shouting various forms of "I love that idea!"

They all ask how to play, so I explain that we can go in a circle and either say random facts about ourselves or we can have one topic each time and everyone answers for that topic. Mostly everyone chooses the second way to play, so I tell them I'll start by saying "full name," making each of them explain their full names. 

Eventually the questions go from things like favorite color and favorite songs to questions like "when's your birthday" and "what was your first impression of the person to your left?" Of course I have Misun on my left and Hoseok on my right.

"My first impression of Misun," I start slowly, choosing my words carefully, "would have to be quiet. Bookworm. Very beautiful, as plainly obvious." Out of the corner of my eye, I notice Misun blush and Yoongi give a small nod, a smile appearing for a second before being gone again. "I also thought, 'Wow. This girl is someone I could definitely get along with and probably very well.'"

Everyone smiles and laughs and goes on with their answers. After we go around the circle, I notice it's Hoseok's turn to talk about me. I instantly get nervous and my heart rate picks up.

"My first impression of Jinae? Well..."

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