
The day after we decide who's doing what for Jungkookie's birthday is hectic. Everybody is bustling around and the ones that can't keep secrets are avoiding Kookie as much as they can. 

At probably three in the afternoon, I call Jinae and see if she wants to come over to talk about the lunch and cake we have to make together.

"Yeoboseyo?" she says when she answers the phone.

"Jinae-yah, do you want to come over and talk about lunch and cake?" I ask, my voice hushed even though I'm in my room and Kookie's in the living room.

"Um," she says, mulling it over. "I guess I can. I'll get my things and walk over."

We say our goodbyes and hang up. I decide to clean up my room a bit until she gets here, so I start dusting and picking my things up and putting them away. I get lost in my cleaning and completely lose track of time as I'm throwing things away, throwing things in the hamper, and gently putting my Mario things back in place.

The only thing that brings me out of my cleaning daze is the sound of a very loud, "GUYS JINAE-YAH IS HERE!" from a very excited Taehyung. 

I finish what I've started and walk out of my room, making my way toward the living room. I see everyone sitting around Jinae. They put her on the couch in the middle with Yoongi on her left, Namjoon on her right, the young ones sitting in front of her attentively, and Hoseok leaning forward behind the couch. He's staring at her with a look that I've never seen him give anyone before. 

He's taken a liking to the sweet girl and I really hope she doesn't break his heart... Or the other way around, I guess. I like her and I don't want her to be broken either.

"Aish," I say, walking over to them all. "Give the poor girl some room! You're so close to her."

Immediately, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook all widen their eyes and scoot backwards on the floor so they're all about two feet away from her and Namjoon stands, chuckling at them, to go back to his room. Yoongi just looks me dead in the eyes and throws his legs over her lap and leans back into the couch, making me laugh.

Hoseok glares a slight bit in jealousy, but doesn't say anything to his hyung. It's only for a second before he turns back to Jinae and looks at her again.

"So shall we go?" she asks me, throwing Yoongi's legs off her. He pouts at her and readjusts, Taehyung laughing at him. I nod and she stands, following me back to my room. 

We head inside and go straight to my desk. We both sit down and I turn on my computer, going on Google and searching for cake designs. We find a galaxy mirror cake that doesn't seem difficult to do, so we choose that cake and I tell her that Jungkookie really likes pizza and we don't have it very often so that's what I think we should do for lunch. She agrees blindly with the lunch choice, but says she can help with that plenty as she's made a lot of pizza in her day.

We talk for a while about how we're going to go about the cake and ultimately decide if we both help with each one it should turn out how we want it. If we just take turns with each, it should be perfect for our skill sets. 

Once we finish talking about the food, as if on cue, Yoongi walks in the room and goes over to his bed. I watch him as he walks right by us and flops down face first onto his bed. He whines really loudly and I suppress a laugh, turning to Jinae and putting a finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet.

"Are you okay, Yoongi-yah?" I ask quietly, looking down at my frustrated dongsaeng.

"Hyung," he whines, standing up and sitting back down on his bed. He looks between me and Jinae for a second, probably deciding whether he should continue or not. "I don't know what to do..."

"If you want I can leave so you guys can talk..." Jinae says quietly, grabbing the paper we wrote everything down on and standing up.

"No, it's okay," Yoongi says once Jinae stands. I'm a bit surprised, but I don't comment. "You don't have to leave." Jinae nods and sits back down, crossing her legs.

"Okay, so what do you need, Yoongi-yah?" I say, looking at him. His head is already back in his hands and I feel bad for the poor boy. He's been having a lot of trouble with this for a while. I already know what's wrong, but he needs to say something about it first for him to be comfortable. I've made the mistake before. Never again.

"I just don't know what to do about Misun-ah..." he mumbles into his hands. His head hangs into his hands, not moving. 

Then Jinae stands up. She walks to his bed and sits next to him, putting her arm around his shoulders and pulling him into her side.

"Yoongi-ssi," she says, her melodic voice soft and quiet, "I can tell you really like her. And honestly, I can see just how much she likes you. She doesn't hide it very well. You, on the other hand, show it differently than she does. You always will. And that's okay. You know why that's okay?"

Yoongi lifts his head, his eyes slightly pink and slightly wide, like a confused kid after crying a tad. He looks at Jinae attentively, shaking his head a little bit.

"Because the way you show your affection doesn't matter," she says softly, wiping Yoongi's cheeks where a few tears fell. He's obviously been having a low day and I'm really glad Jinae is here to help him through it. "What matters is how much the gestures are worth. I don't know Misun as well as I would like to yet, but I can tell you that no matter what she is going to like your gestures. She likes you for who you are. That's what counts. And you best believe it when I say that if you give her the slightest bit of hope she's going to hold onto it until you break her."

And that's when I knew...

Jinae is one of the best things to have ever happened to any of us.

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