
This morning is so peaceful. There's the wind blowing and the birds chirping and none of the usual dorm noises. 

Immediately after I wake up, I go get ready for the day. I make my way to the bathroom to shower and get dressed. Then I make my way to the living room. 

I get to the living room and see my parents, but no Misun.

So that's why it's so quiet...

"Good morning," I say as I walk over to the couch. 

"Happy birthday, my love," my mom tells me just as I plop down. I smile at her and she stands up and leaves the room without saying anything more. 

"Where's Misun-ah?" I ask my dad as he turns the page in today's newspaper. He glances up at me from over the top of the paper before looking back down.

"She left early today," he informs me. "Said she had to go do some stuff at home, but she'll be there at the dorms when you get back." I nod and turn on the TV to some random talk show with the volume low. 

My mom walks back into the room with a glass of juice for me and a mug of coffee for my dad. Before I can thank her, she drags me out of my seat and into the kitchen.

I smile when I see the delicious breakfast my mom made for me. I thank her and we both sit down, my dad walking in after a minute.


Once breakfast is done, we go back to the living room and I open my present. My parents got me a record player like I've been trying to save up for for a while now. I thank them profusely and get ready to leave. 

We all say our goodbyes and I get in my car. It takes me a while to get home, but I eventually get there. It's a long drive and it always exhausts me, but I get there and I still have some energy left.

I grab all my bags--my backpack and my present bag--and make my way up to the dorms. Right before I can open the door, I get a text from Soyoungie.

Love of my life<3: Hello, love. Outside yet?

I chuckle before answering.

Me: Impeccable timing, sweetheart. I'm about to walk in the door.

I open the door with a smile on my face and I'm immediately shocked. 

I open the door to balloons scattering the floor and hanging from the ceiling, streamers decorating the walls, and a Happy Birthday banner. All our furniture is moved to the walls and there's a huge open space in the living room being filled with all my friends.

"Surprise!" they shout in unison as I step through the door, setting my bags down and taking my shoes off. 

"Hey!" I say, hugging each of them. When I get to Misun, I ruffle her hair before hugging her. "You left before breakfast to set up for this?" She nods and smiles as wide as she can, making me roll my eyes, but smile nonetheless.

The next few hours is full of games and lunch. At around three in the afternoon, we all decide to do presents before dinner at the restaurant tonight at five.

"Open mine first!" Taehyungie demands, thrusting his gift in my face. I laugh and take the gift from him, opening it and pulling out an Iron Man Pop! vinyl figure. I thank him and start on the next present.

 I thank him and start on the next present

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Next I open Hobi hyung and Jiminie's gift. Once I open it, I find a few new games that we'll all end up playing either tonight or whenever we have the chance. I thank them and move on to Seokjin hyung's present. He got me a signed IU poster and once I see it, I flush pink. I thank him and hide the present behind me, not letting anyone see it. 

Next is Namjoon hyung. I open the present and I see a signed G-Dragon vinyl and my jaw drops. I pull it out of the bag and I turn it around in my hands.

"Is this real?" I ask incredulously, looking up at Joonie hyung. He laughs and nods and my eyes widen. I look back down at it and start running my hand along the front where the signature is. 

"Your parents told Misun-ah who told me that they were getting you a record player," Namjoon hyung explains while I stare at the cover. "So I thought I might as well get you your first record."

I thank Namjoon hyung just as much as I thanked my parents earlier and I even throw in a hug. 

Next I open Yoongi hyung's present. His gift is a brand new pair of really nice headphones and I thank him. After that I open Soyoungie's present. It's the smallest one here, but who cares about quantity? 

I open the small bag and find a little box. I look up at her questioningly, but she doesn't say anything; she just smiles and looks at me expectantly. I look back down at the box and I open it slowly. There's a bracelet inside; a completely black bracelet. I pull it out of the box and hold it up in front of me, holding onto the rubbery beads. I start to turn it around a bit in my hands and I see a little black crown between two of the beads.

I look back up at Soyoung-ah and she's smiling at me and touching her wrist lightly

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I look back up at Soyoung-ah and she's smiling at me and touching her wrist lightly. I look at her wrist and see the same bracelet, but in a light pink color and a rose gold crown. I smile at her and slip my bracelet onto my wrist, leaning over to her and giving her a hug. As I pull away to sit back down, I kiss her cheek for a second and go back to opening my last few presents.

Misun-ah gives me a life-size Justin Bieber cardboard cutout, and my last gift from Jinae-yah is a framed collage of photos of me and my hyungs, me and Soyoungie, and me and Misun-ah.

I think it's safe to say I have the best friends in the world.

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