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"My first impression of Jinae? Well..." he starts, pausing and making me even more nervous than I already am. I look over at him for a split second before returning my gaze to the floor in the middle of the circle. "Well, I guess I would have to say I thought, 'This girl is funny.' I mean, you did walk up to us all and announce you had to pee. But other than that I thought, 'She seems really uneasy around us all. Uneasy and slightly uncomfortable.' I will not say I found you pretty because that's cheesy. So I will say I did not not find you pretty and I'm sure everyone here did too."

I can feel my cheeks heat up and all the boys start teasing him, making Hoseok laugh.

We go around the circle a few more times before Taehyung stands up and shouts, "Let's go to the park!" There's a few that immediately stand up and start running around with Taehyung and a few of us just exchange glances and shrugs. We all stand up and leave the building, heading to the back for their cars.

Once we exit the building, I see that it's pitch black outside. All of the excitable boys--and Misun--seem especially deflated. My eyes widen and I start to feel sick to my stomach. I gasp and everyone turns to face me with concerned looks on their faces. 

"I told Grandma Song I would make dinner," I say before groaning and hitting my head on the wall of the building. I immediately feel something soft when I try to hit my head again and I look up, pouting. 

"I told you not to hurt that pretty head of yours," Hoseok says quietly, almost in a whisper. He's close to my ear and I can feel his breath on my neck. It sends shivers down my spine, but I keep myself composed. This is going to be a very interesting friendship...

"It's only seven o'clock," Daehyun says, looking up from his phone. "We can make it back soon and you can make something small maybe?" I nod, trying to calm down. I've been in Seoul for two days and I've already fucked up.

They all offer to take us back and get us home faster and I graciously accept their offers. I invite them all to stay for dinner since it seems most of them want to come and make sure we'll get there safely anyway and they try to decline.

"Misun-ah, it's the least I can do for you after you bought me lunch and snacks," I tell her. "At least you come to dinner?" She reluctantly agrees, but forces Soyoung to come too and I can't help but to think that these are my friends now. These amazing people are the people I'm going to hope to not fuck things up with. 

Soyoung walks us to her car and the boys go to theirs, probably going back to their dorms for the night. We all pile into the car and rush back home. I immediately run inside and start apologizing to my grandparents and they just look at me like I'm insane.

"Jinae-yah?" Grandpa Song says slowly. "What's wrong?"

"I promised I would make dinner and I lost track of time," I spill, tears starting to fill my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I can still make dinner if you'd like?"

Just then Daehyun, Misun, and Soyoung walk in and stop at the door. My grandparents exchange a glance and start laughing, turning to face me. 

"Jinae-yah," my grandma starts, still laughing, "we don't usually eat very early. You don't have to worry about feeding us so early. I'm fine with dinner at eight or nine o'clock." I widen my eyes as I hear Daehyun chuckling behind me. 

I whip around and stare him down. "Daehyun-ah!" I half-shout. "You knew this, didn't you! You let me believe I--" I almost say fucked up, but then I realize I'm in front of my grandparents, so I settle for, "messed up after my second day here!"

He gives me an apologetic smile, still laughing and I turn back to my grandparents, introducing them to Soyoung and Misun. I then go back to my room and throw my things down, showing Misun and Soyoung around the house. I tell them they can either stay in my room or go back to the living room while I cook and they decide to follow me out.

Even though I just had it, I decide on the easiest thing to make: kimchi bokkeumbap. I take out all the ingredients before asking if that's okay with everyone. Every single person in the house says that sounds great and I continue on, cooking my food. It doesn't take long to prepare, so pretty quickly after we all sit down at the little table and eat. 

Nobody here has had my cooking yet, so it's interesting to see what they all think. After the first bite from both Daehyun and Soyoung, they give me a look that looks like it comes straight out of a K drama. It's the over-exaggerated, widened eyes and the immediate stare at me. I smile and take a bite myself, looking at everyone else for their hidden reactions. My grandparents both tell me it's really good and Misun whispers about how not only is she usually a very picky person when she eats, this is her favorite rendition of kimchi bokkeumbap.

After everyone finishes eating, Daehyun takes all our bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen for him to wash. We go off to my room for a little while and I ask Soyoung for her phone number so we can talk easier. We talk for a while and eventually they say they have to go. 

Daehyun asks for a ride home and they give him one. I see them off and retreat to the living room. I stay awake with my grandparents for a while before moving back to my room and look at the clock. It's only eleven at night, so my parents will definitely be up back in Florida. I mean, it is only ten in the morning for them.

I pull out my phone and dial my dad's number. He picks up on the second ring and we talk for a while, my mom and Taeil coming into the room as well. I ask when they'll be coming here and they say they plan on sending our stuff within the next week and leaving about five days before we have to start school. They say they've already picked houses to look at, so once they get here, we'll only be living with my grandparents for a little while after. 

Eventually I tell them I should be going to bed even though I don't want to and I'll probably end up staying awake and watching Netflix for a few more hours. They all laugh at me and we say our goodbyes. I hang up the phone and set my laptop up on my bed with Netflix at the ready. Soon, I just lay down and watch movies and dramas for a few hours before drifting off to sleep.

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