The Sweet Girl

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He lay on his brand new bed, hearing the clicking of his watch that was laid on his bed side table. He hadn't slept a wink at all, the image of his dad wouldn't leave his mind, it made him feel an overwhelming feeling of guilt. He was waiting for his mom to burst through his bedroom door to wake him up.

"Finn? It's time to get up sweetie." His mother knocks on the door lightly making Finn sigh. He had to go to school today and he was dreading it. What if he didn't make friends? What if he was bullied? What if-

He was cut out of his thoughts by his phone vibrating, signalling he had received a text.

The message read

Hey Finn! I'm Gaten Matarazzo, a student from your new school, Hawkins HighSchool. I don't want you to think I'm weird and I tracked your number down, the school emailed it to me yesterday so I could contact you about the tour today!

Finn smiles, Gaten seems nice

Finn: Hey Gaten, I'm honestly crapping myself right now.

Finn chuckles at his reply

Gaten: Chill dude, meet me at the entrance and I'll give you your tour.

Finn: Thanks man.

Finn sighed, standing up and walking over to his closet. He had unpacked last night so his clothes are already hung up.


He walked downstairs and hugged his Mom as he grabbed a cup of coffee that was in a takeout cup, as he ran out the door

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He walked downstairs and hugged his Mom as he grabbed a cup of coffee that was in a takeout cup, as he ran out the door

"Have a nice day honey!" His mom shouted

"You too mom!" He shouted as a reply, closing the door behind him. He strolled down the sidewalk hesitantly, afraid of getting lost. He turned a corner and was nervous as he felt he was going the wrong direction

"New kid?" A boy with curly, dark hair like his own chuckled. He was quite shorter than Finn, and younger

"Yep." Finn replies walking with the kid in the same direction

"Well I'm Jack Grazer." He held out his hand in a polite manner with a smile on his face.

"Finn Wolfhard." Finn grins shaking his hand

"So, do you know anyone at our school?" Jack asks, trying to make conversation

"Well this guy Gaten Matarazzo is supposed to tour me today." Finn replies, jacks eyes lit up

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