The Unsuspected Friendship?

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She sluggishly walked down the hallway, her shoes smacking against the shiny floor. The sound of people chatting by their lockers filled the dense air, although one conversation caught her immediate attention.

"Yeah, I heard Millie is a slut. She was hanging out with Finn and now she is with Jacob, what a dumb bitch. It's good though because that wolfhard boy totally has a crush on me." An annoyingly high pitched voice screeched. Millie looked to her right and saw a pale girl, with short blonde hair and some sort of...unibrow?

"Oh look, there she is." The same blood boiling voice squeaked. Millie heard footsteps behind her, getting closer to her at a rapid speed and that's when she realised she was on the floor, she had been pushed by said girl. Now everybody in the hallway was watching

"Maybe that will teach you not to be a little slut next time." The girl smirked, crossing her arms smugly.

"Do I even fucking know you?" Millie croaked, she had hit her elbow on the concrete floor, hard and was in extreme pain, as she cradled it trying to sooth the shooting pain that was going through her.

"Listen here whore, I've heard about you leaving Finn to go with Jacob like some shitty prostitute. Stay away from Finn or I will ruin your stupid, pathetic life." She smirked, and that's when Millie heard it, the loudest smack she's ever heard, skin on skin contact that seemed as if someone's skin just got ripped off

She looked up and didn't expect to see what she saw. She saw those long, blonde curls and emerald eyes.


"Don't ever speak to her like that, ivy." She heard iris say in an angry voice. She looked at the other girls face and saw the largest red hand mark on her left cheek, as painful tears stung at her eyes, her mouth was agape in shock as her lip quivered signalling she was going to cry.

"Wow apatow, so the rumours are true, you really are a fake bitch." She snarled, before running away down the hallway before iris could do anything else, holding her cheek in her hand.

Suddenly the bell ringed making everybody to go to class. Some people were so gobsmacked that they just stood there paralysed in absolute shock until their brain kicked in and they headed to class

"Hey, are you um okay?" Iris asked in a gentle voice, as she reached out her hand for Millie to grab.

"Uh Yeah, Thanks." Millie said, grabbing her hand and standing up. Soon the air was filled with an extremely awkward silence, millie was confused why iris helped her, out of all people.

"Uh I saved you one." Iris chuckled, shifting awkwardly before giving her a pink flyer with the words, 'Maddie Ziegler's Halloween Bomb fire,' plastered on it. It also said the address and what time, obviously it being on Halloween night, which was in a few days.

Millie smiled slightly, taking the invitation, but soon that smiley expression turned into a very confused one.

"Uh iris, why are you being nice to me?" Millie asked sceptically, fiddling with her fingers, the stinging pain in her elbow still present but more tame now.

"Uh um- look millie I just need to tell you that um Uh- I can tell that you don't want to be in this relationship with Jacob, you look so sad all the time so I just wanted to say you can talk to me." Iris smiled, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

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