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His eyes sluggishly opened, having to squint because of immediate sunlight that was currently blinding them.

He yawned lightly, about to stretch lazily until he noticed the head of a person that was slightly weighing his chest down. He smiled brightly at the beautiful girl that lay before him, her arms wrapped around his neck loosely, her head snuggled into his chest cutely.

He pulls her closer to him, if that was even humanely possible. The severe warmth that radiated off of her onto him, completely annihilating the cold crisp air that filled the bedroom. I mean she was practically on top of him at this point, chest on chest, hip on hip, but he really didn't mind, but let's say Finn was enjoying this cuddle "position" a bit more than he should be.

Her small body started to shift around slightly, making Finn freeze. The boy did not want to wake her up whatsoever, she was too peaceful that it would just break his heart if she was awoken by him, of all people. Luckily she just snuggled her head into the crook of his neck making him realise a sigh of utter relief.

"You know I've been awake for the past twenty minutes, right?" He hears a soft and tired muffled voice say making him slightly jump at the sound of the mischievous brunettes English accent. He was startled so he only grabbed her tighter by the waist, pulling her closer to him protectively.

"Uh I'm really sorry, you were just really warm so-"

"Chill Finn, if I wanted to move, trust me I would have said a few minutes ago." She murmured into his neck, making him slightly shiver at the feeling of her soft lips graze against his neck accidentally, his stomach was set on fire with the butterflies he usually felt when she was around him, her mere presence making feel helplessly weak.

"Okay." He whispered into the crown of her head smiling like an idiot, the smell of flowers and apples crashing into his nose making him smile warmly. "Just to make a couple things clear. I did not sleep with you-" his face flushed a deep red at the mention of sleeping with her, she cut him off before he could go further

"I know I could tell you didn't because I'm sure I would not have jeans on right now." Millie chuckled making Finn only flush a deeper red at the thought of that- Wait no he wasn't thinking of that, never mind. His heart beat started to quicken, it was thumping so strongly Millie felt it against her own chest.

"Finn, you good?" She asked, brushing a few curls out of his face making him give a weak smile at the girl as he admired her face for the hundredth time, he could stare at it for his whole lifetime and he really wouldn't even come close to boredom.

"Yeah, more than fine." He replies standing up, walking to his closet and pulling out shorts and his favourite burgundy hoodie that only he wore, but he made an exception for this girl.

"Here, go change." He said handing her the comfortable clothes. She jumped out of the bed and walked over to him, gently grabbing the clothes. She raises the palm of her hand to his cheek, giving him a slow and tender kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you, for everything." She whispers in her ear making him look away shyly, before finally smiling at the girl.

"No problem, millster." Finn smirked, as she walked into the room that was clearly the bathroom, at the end of the hallway.

He received a text on his phone that was on the bedside table. He walked over to the oak table and picked up the phone.

Mom❤️: hi honey! I have to stay over at Diana's for another day because she is sick, so Anne and I are going to take care of her. Feel free to order any take out food or anything! I love you!

He sighed at the text but texted the usual reply of "Okay, love you too." His mother was staying round at her friend, Diana's house with her other friend Anne. I guess he could have people over. He decided to make a group chat with everybody and told them to come over

JackDylanGrazer😊: I'm already driving there now



He smiled at the responses but he noticed he wasn't alone in the room anymore, millie came in wearing his favourite hoodie with shorts, but the shorts weren't visible because the hoodie was so big on her that it went down to her knees. Finn was filled with joy at the sight

"What?" Millie smiles cutely

"You just look really cute." He said as she walked closer to him, a smirk plastered on her angelic face

"Did Finn Wolfhard just call me "really cute?" She said, tilting her head, but the slight blush on her cheeks made Finn also gain a proud smirk

"Maybe." He replied, getting closer to her face, having to lean down because of the height difference, "What are you going to do about it?" He teased further, getting even closer to her face

They were both extremely close, they could feel each others warm breath on their lips.

Millie was too nervous to even try and work up the courage to reply to his bold statement, but her heart skipped a beat all the same

She watched as his eyes flickered down to her plump lips for a few seconds before meeting her gaze once more, his pupils dilating in the process. He was only making her more nervous, the slight pang in her stomach that happened every time he was around was still very much present. Her senses took over her whole entire body and before she knew it they were both leaning in, slowly, their lips almost grazing each other's

"Finn you should really lock your front door!" He heard jack yell from downstairs making the two both jump, frantically away from each other.

Although it was a quick movement he still kept his gaze on her. She let out a shaky breath refusing to meet the boy's gaze, that was now burning into her. His breathing was slightly heavy and erratic, he for sure was about ready to kill Jack Dylan Grazer. His heart was beating the fastest speed humanely possible, as his hands were shaking the slightest bit. He didn't know what had came over his body but now he knew for certain.

He really wants to kiss her.

"Sorry, was I interrupting something?" Jack asks smirking slightly, walking into the room to see two shaken up teens on each side of the room.

"No, not at all."

Author's Note:

Damn you Jack Dylan Grazer!

But trust me just wait to next chapter hehehe.

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