The Vortex Club

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Okay so the 'halloween bombfire' thing is going to be in a couple of weeks instead of in a few days like I said a couple of chapters ago

One week later

"Hey Finn it's Gaten calling you...again. You haven't been picking up and you're starting to worry me. You've completely isolated yourself from the friend group for the past week. What happened man? Each time we try walk up to you in the halls all I can smell is cigarette smoke and alcohol coming off from you. Just talk to us." The loud beep from his phone was heard, signalling that the voicemail was finally done.

He stared at the phone, debating on whether to call him back. He knows he should, he knows what he is doing right now is extremely unhealthy but he couldn't, each time he even looked at them it reminded him off millie.

So he deleted the voicemail, taking another swig from the Smirnoff bottle, the liquid burning his throat like the purest of lavas.

You see, ever since Millie coldly rejected Finn he had turned into quite the rebellious teen.

He had turned into the boy who drinks his problems away, he turned into the boy that always has a cigarette in between his chewed lips.

He couldn't wait until next week for that dumb halloween bomb fire, at Maddie's place. He heard there was going to be free alcohol, that was really the only reason he was going and also the fact he needs to find someone to get over millie with.

Actually he needed to get over millie now.

Like right now.

It was Thursday now, school ended hours ago. During that whole school session he tried his absolute best to avoid his friends and Millie, but he still saw her, he couldn't tear his eyes away from her, in fact if you caught Finn staring at her you could quite easily tell that he was in love with her.

So he stopped staring, he stopped paying attention to her, he wasn't going to love someone who doesn't love him back, because

That is the most painful thing in the world

So he stood up, wiped the alcohol off his lips with the back of his hand. He had heard about some type of club called the 'Vortex Club' in school, it's where you go to party, get drunk and get stoned. Sounded perfect to him right now. He knew they held their meet ups at some quarry or something.

He was going there now.


"Ahh Finn Wolfhard joins the club!" Some boy with even messier brown curls than Finn himself, cheered. Finn believed his name was Malcom, although he wasn't sure.

Malcom was sat beside a blonde haired boy, who was named jack, and a girl with long brown hair, her name was Ayla.

He thought to himself that he could get over Millie with Ayla. Never mind he just noticed the iron clad grip the blonde haired boy has on her waist, and also the fact she wasn't milli-

Ugh never mind

So instead he took a seat on the rock hard ground beside a girl with bleach blonde, short hair. It reminded him of Millie's with the length it was.

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