The Fatigue

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Finn woke up, a smile painted across his chapped lips. It was now Monday morning, he had kissed Millie on Saturday.

He kissed Millie.

And Millie kissed him back.

It was by far the best moment Finn had ever experienced in his eighteen years of living on this earth. It was as if time stopped and it was just her, like every ounce of air in his lungs was taken away just at the feel of her lips, her sweet lips moving against his own, just the memory making his heart beat skyrocket and his stomach feel fuzzy inside.

"Finn get up and stop smiling like a damn idiot." His mother said. She may have had a stern voice but she too found herself smiling at the fact her beloved son was finally happy.

"Okay, mom." He said getting dressed into a plain black top, black jean and putting on his black high top vans. Yes he may of looked depressed with his all black clothing but really he was the complete opposite.

"What's got you so happy today?" His mother asked as she prepared herself breakfast in the kitchen.

"Just that I get to live my life another day on this beautiful earth. The fact that everything has completely changed and I'm more me than I've ever been." Finn said giving his mother a kiss on the cheek and spinning her round, making her laugh

"Bye honey. Have a nice day at school." She said, waving him off

"Bye mom." He said before happily walking down the road, his body surging with joy.


"What's got you so happy finn? It's literally Monday morning." Noah said, groaning in annoyance at the boys happiness.

"I'm just happy." He shrugs, not detailing the actual reason he was happy, which we all know is Millie.

"Ugh you disgust me." Noah playfully scowled, "how can you be this damn happy on a Monday morning?" Noah asked in a low, gruff voice, as they walked further down the hallway of their HighSchool.

Finn immediately stopped in his tracks as his eyes met with hers. His heart immediately stopped beating, as excitement instead of blood fuelled through his veins. The surge of static electricity that was felt between the two love struck teenagers, very much present.

"Oh I see." Noah smirked making Finn snap out of his compelling trance at the British girl

"Shut up Noah." Finn replied in a distracted murmur, before raking his gaze back to the girl.

Truth be told, Millie couldn't stop thinking about him at all. She would usually say she despised that feeling of not being able to get one person out of her mind but Finn was a whole different story. Finn was the best thing to ever happen to her. He made her feel so happy, happier than she's ever felt before and he made her feel emotions she couldn't explain, emotions she had never felt for anyone before in her entire life. All she knew was that Finn Wolfhard made her feel weak, to her knees
but stronger than she has ever felt before. Just the thought of him made her feel an unusual feeling in her stomach.

"Millie your staring at Finn." Sadie said, making millie look away fast.

"I was j-just staring at something behind him." Millie stuttered making Sadie sigh

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